  • 學位論文


The Analysis of Single Women’s Attitudes toward Financial Security in Old Age and Their Financial Plans

指導教授 : 陳芬苓


本論文旨在瞭解未婚單身女性老年經濟安全態度與理財行為,結合「多柱老年經濟安全模式」、「女性主義福利理論」、「經濟移轉理論」、「代間連帶理論」及「性別文化」等相關理論,並以質性研究方法深入訪談15位居住於北台灣、年齡在35-49歲間、職業為非軍、公、教的未婚單身女性,研究結果如下: 一、原生家庭的經濟能力對未婚單身女性的老年經濟安全態度與理財行為都會產生重要的影響;未婚單身女性與原生家庭間基於「互惠原則」進行代間交換,就家務、情感及金錢三個層面進行交換行為,當未婚單身女性必需分擔原生家庭的主要經濟支出或照顧工作時,其經濟狀況會受原生家庭的影響,導致無多餘的財力從事投資理財的行為,因此,此一群體的老年經濟安全需要社會加以關注。 二、多數受訪的未婚單身女性在投資理財的規劃上大多能為自己的老年的經濟安全作準備並構思自己的老年經濟安全藍圖,但收入較高或年紀較大的未婚單身女性較具有明確的理財規劃目標。 三、未婚單身女性受單身及年紀的影響在投資理財的態度上較傾向於保守型的投資,所以儲蓄性的定存或保險商品是多數未婚單身女性偏好的理財工具。 四、多數受訪的未婚單身女性認為勞保年金對老年的經濟安全保障是不足的,主要還是倚賴年輕時生命週期的經濟移轉。


This thesis is aiming at understanding single women’s attitudes toward financial security in old age and their financial plans. The theories used in this research include multi-pillar pension system, feminist theory of welfare, theory of financial transfer, intergenerational solidarity theory, and gender culture. The thesis also uses qualitative research method and interviews 15 single women residing in northern Taiwan, between the ages of 35 to 49, and whose jobs are not related to the military, civil servant, or school teachers. The results can be described in the following details. First, the financial condition of the orientation family has important impacts on a single women’s attitudes toward financial security in old age of elderly single women and their financial plans. Based on the norm of reciprocity, a single woman usually maintains exchange relations with her orientation family in family, emotion, and financial matters. When a single woman has to provide financial assistance for her family or to take care family members, her financial capability will be weakened by the orientation family, resulting in her lack of financial planning. Therefore, the financial security in old age of this female group needs to be concerned. Second, most single women interviewed have had financial security preparation for their future. But the research finds that elderly single women, or whose income is higher, tends to have clear financial plans. Third, factors such as “single” and “age” have resulted in single women’s conservative financial investment. Thus, the majority of single women choose long-term saving or insurance products as their financial investment instruments. Fourth, most women interviewed claim that government’s labor insurance benefit is not sufficient to protect their financial security in old age. As a result, single women are mainly relying on life-cycle financial transfer.


