  • 學位論文


The revelation of one's sexual self-disclosure between heterosexual intimate couples

指導教授 : 楊明磊


摘要 本研究共訪問七對20-35歲有性經驗至少半年的異性戀情侶,使用翻譯後的SSDS問卷及有理論基礎的開放式問題詢問受訪者蒐集資料了解情侶間性自我揭露各個面向的情形及揭露與不揭露之意圖為何,訪談設計為第一次共同訪談,第二、三次訪談則將伴侶分開個別訪談,第四次則以skype線上訪談以核對對受訪者的摘錄內容。 本研究主要目的為: (1)了解情侶在性自我揭露不同的面向 (2)情侶性自我揭露不同的背後意圖差異。另外,本研究也使用了社會心理學領域的交換理論觀點性自我揭露模式去詮釋受訪者主觀經驗,以理解情侶之間性自我揭露機制如何運作做討論。 研究結果: 所有的受訪戀人在答題比較部分雖然都各有其差異,然而可以一致發現男性相對地受到社會價值觀的影響而去做了一些性自我揭露,如:性責任、性對自己的意義。有些揭露面向則是擔心女友性層面上的滿足,進而關心女友性情緒、對性的喜歡層面,是屬於一種情意上的表示。 女性雖然受到社會價值觀的影響,在關係中做性自我揭露扮演較被動的角色,形成習慣以肢體語言在性過程中做自我揭露,但在做性自我揭露層面以直接揭露性的不喜歡(sexual dislikes)較多,也比男性期待更以高層次討論的方式去期待談性,此也似乎暗示傳統觀念也許都深植在男性與女性的認知中,然而過去為男性所貼的標籤「男人滿腦子都只是想要性」、「男人只會在性在乎自己的感受」似乎也從此研究中發現並非全都是事實,甚至在此研究中,多位受訪女性堅持自己不想在性層面被物化、期待被尊重,而在性過程中較忽略男性的心理感受及生理需求,有意識的僅在乎自己的心理感受,而有時女性也不自覺的使用性當做關係之間的懲罰。 大多戀人認為唯有性衝突發生才有必要提高性自我揭露的頻率,認為性偏好談過多了反而會讓性成了制式化的可能性(例如:討論性偏好)。多對受訪戀人的比較中,也發現每對戀人會有各自的性衝突,然而有些性衝突發生頻率較高的戀人才有危機的認為在平日就需要去做有意義的性自我揭露。研究者發現戀人之間性衝突,男性應把焦點放在「女性對於性是否有被尊重的感受」,而女性需了解男性對於生理需求部分的「性頻率」是否滿足或是過多。 關鍵字:性自我揭露、性滿意、性親密


性自我揭露 性滿意 性親密


Abstract This research have extracted the interviews of seven heterosexual couples from the age of 25 to the age of 35, that have had performed some sexual activities for at least half one year, using the translated SSSD survey and the collected information from the open questionnaires based on some theories to understand the conditions of the revelations of their sexual self-disclosure on various facts and their motivation for revelations between lovers. The interviews are designed that the couple attend the first meeting, then separately in the second and third meeting, and the fourth meeting will be done online through Skype and the researcher will examine the extracted content from the interviewees. The purpose of this research is: (1). Understanding different facets within the revelations of their sexual self-disclosure within couples. (2) The different motivation behind the revelations of the couples’ sexual selves. Additionally, this research also utilizes the exchange theory in the field of social psychology to interpret the subjective experiences of the interviewee on his/her sexual revelations in order to comprehend how revelation-mechanism operates between the sexual self-disclosure within couples. The research result: Even though there’re some differences in the responses of the interviewed couples, however, the consensus is that man comparatively tends to reveal his sexual self-disclosure under the influences of social values, such as sexual responsibilities and the meaning of sex to himself. Some even reveal that they have apprehensions on their girlfriends’ sexual gratifications, and they do care about the sexual emotions and preferences of their girlfriends, that are considered an expression of love from them. Despite the fact women are still under the impact of social values, and woman prefer to play the passive part in the revelation of her sexual self-disclosure, habitually revealing her sexual self-disclosure through body languages during sex, and woman seems to reveal more of her sexual dislikes more directly than man does, expecting to discuss sex through a higher level. That seems to suggest that traditional values have been deeply rooted within the perceptions of men and women, however, men used to be tagged with stereotypes like “their brains are full of nothing but sex” or “men only care about how they feel in sex,” but we discover in this research that all those stereotypes aren’t necessarily true. We even discovered that lots of women insisted that they don’t wish to be materialized during sex and they expect to be respected, but they would more likely ignore the mental feelings and physical needs of men during sex, purposely choosing to concentrate on their own mental feelings, thus women sometimes also use sex as punishments in the relationships. Most couples think the necessity of revealing one’s sexual self-disclosure is something needed to be done only after the collisions of sex, considering the overabundant discussions could possibly turn sex into fixed formulae (such as the discussion on sexual preference). Through comparisons between lots of interviewed couple, we discovered that each couple have their own collisions of sex, but some collisions of sex happen more frequently among couples who bear the sense of crisis and think it is necessary to do some meaningful daily-life revelations of their sexual self-disclosure. The researcher also discovered that in the collisions of sex, man should put focus on “whether the woman feels respected or not,” and woman ought to understand whether “the frequency of sex” is too much or too little for the man on the basis of man’s physical needs. Key words: sexual self-disclosure, sexual satisfaction, and sexual intimacy.


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