  • 學位論文


Formation of urban village— Case study on Wenhua Rd. , Banqiao

指導教授 : 黃瑞茂


本研究欲探討台北縣從過去為附屬於台北市的衛星城市,隨著捷運系統的發展,從以往住宿功能,逐漸發展商業、休閒、機能多樣性的小型生活圈。原本做為臥房城市的社區也逐漸發展休閒生活與設施的都市村落。而又以板橋文化路,這條作為台北市進入板橋的主要幹道上,必經的兩個捷運站延伸至社區住家的通勤範圍距離,做為本研究主要設計論述的基地範圍。 板橋文化路從修車大道到現在捷運站出口成為銀行房仲必爭之地;行人、商人、自行車、機車在騎樓人行道的人車搶道的攻防戰,每天在捷運站出口的上下班通勤時段準時上演;都市的綠在哪裡?好像就集中在幾個大型主題公園,其他就分散在街角綠地、社區廣場、自行車綠帶而已;商業型態的改變,萬能的超商、從菜市場轉進生鮮超市、樓下轉角的咖啡店、全天供應的早餐店、24小時不打烊的寵物用品店、人滿為患的小診所;從捷運站到住家社區的回家路徑就是逛街採買的必經路線。這些都是捷運站帶來生活方式的巨大改變。 藉由西方與亞洲城市的理論回顧,採取適用於從台北市區進入板橋的兩個捷運站周邊地區的規畫設計手法。以每天進出的捷運站為起點,創造更多的綠=屋頂上的社區花園+單車路跑的串連綠帶;由土地權屬與使用者關係,整理出屬於誰的壁壘分明,誰在使用的曖昧地帶。清楚界定下一步都市規劃的方向;通勤以轉乘為模式的交通系統;高樓底下的社區大門的寬敞廣場空間與公寓的騎樓店面人擠人、車擠車的對照場景,從合併街廓計畫進行,過街老鼠的防火巷變成寵物們的庭院花園。一併解決道路交通、人行道及騎樓占用、機踏車的停車空間、開放空間及綠地不足的問題。也直接影響地面層商業行為的模式、社區活動使用的公共空間、一樓沿街立面的尺度、建築型式的多樣性等等,創造更多都市村落新的生活方式。


This research aims to investigate the development of New Taipei City along with the MRT system from a residential area to a small living circle that has commercial, recreational and other diverse functions as the satellite city of Taipei. Communities that were originally bedroom cities have also turned to Urban Village. The research specifically addresses the commuting distance from two MRT stations on WenHua Road of Banqiao District, which is the main arterial road for entering Banqiao from Taipei City, to the residential communities as the main discussed base range. WenHua Road was the “garage street” and has become the place of strategic importance of banking and real estate near the MRT exits. Passengers, merchants, bicycles and motorcycles fight for places on arcades and pavements near MRT exits in rush hours every day. But where is the green area of the city? It seems to appear only in some big theme parks and scatter at corners, community squares and bicycle green belts. Commercial type changed. All-purpose convenient store, fresh supermarket, downstairs coffee shop, all-day breakfast store, 24 hour pet shop, crowded clinic… the route from the MRT station to home is the shopping route. These are all the tremendous changes the MRT station brought. To adopt planning methods apply to the area near the two MRT stations on the main arterial road for entering Banqiao from Taipei City by reviewing literatures about Western and Asian cities. To set the MRT station that I enter everyday as the start point to create more green areas. That is on-roof community gardens and connected bicycle green belts. Clarify the distinct and indistinct areas by investigating land ownership. Clearly identify the next target of urban planning. Commute by the traffic system that takes transferring mode. The scene contrasts between spacious square of mansion and crowded arcade of apartment. By merging blocks, the notorious firebreak alleys become yards for pets and simultaneously solve the problem of traffic, occupation on arcades and pavements and lack of motorcycle parking, open space and green areas. It also directly affects business activities on ground level, open spaces for community activities, scale of elevation along the street of the first floor, diversity of building types and so on, and create more new living style of Urban Village.


Bedroom City Urban Village MRT exit Commuting Go home route Lifestyle


Andres Duany, Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk, and Jeff Speck
Doung Kelbaugh
Gregg Pasquarelli, Galia Solomonoff, Mario Gooden
Jane Jacobs
Le Corbusier


吳翊威(2017)。臺北都市更新的「再生」轉向? 加蚋仔堀仔頭聚落保存、更新與再生的規劃範型論爭〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU201700354
