  • 學位論文

基於Web 2.0技術之學習物件擷取暨學習資源排序機制

Learning Object Retrieval and Learning Resources Re-ranking Mechanism Based on Web 2.0

指導教授 : 趙榮耀


在現今遠距教學的環境中已存在著許多教學資源編輯系統或學習管理系統等,但許多組織及學術單位仍積極投入大量的人力及物力進行系統開發,會有此現象皆是因為隨著網路技術的進步以及投入使用遠距教學的人日益增多,傳統的簡易遠距教學系統已漸漸無法滿足使用者多方面的需求,再者如何以網路技術減少開發成本以及降低伺服器負擔也成為各大組織及學術單位積極研發的重點。所以本研究論文主要是結合IMS Learner Information package (IMS LIP)、IEEE Learning Object Metadata (IEEE LOM)以及IMS Common Cartridge 此三套學習標準實作一適性化的數位學習教材編輯系統並且運用此三種遠距教學標準所提供之資訊,實作一資源搜索機制提供使用者快速取得編輯資源以降低編輯成本、提升編輯效率。


元資料 遠距教學 資訊擷取 排序


In distance learning environment, systems that assist instructors in generating or storing learning materials are called authoring system. When generating the learning materials, it is essential to collect some learning resources that are relevant to the editing learning materials. But how to calculate the relevance between two learning resources is a challenge. In this paper, we integrated a search wrapper with our previous developed authoring system called Web Authoring System. The instructors could search the resources efficiently by using the new search service. Based on the search results, we also introduced a similarity calculation mechanism to calculate the relevance between the editing learning materials and the search result. The calculated result could re-rank the original search result from the backend repository in relevance order. As a result, it could help to reduce the overall cost that instructors spend on collecting useful learning resources.


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