  • 學位論文

基於Web 2.0之數位學習標準轉換暨課程編輯系統

E-learning Standards Transformation and Courseware Authoring System based on Web 2.0

指導教授 : 趙榮耀


近年來隨著數位學習的普及,學習者可透過多樣化的學習管道取得豐富的學習資源,而另一方面,教學者也可利用更多的資訊科技來輔助其教學活動,使得其教學品質或效率能更為提升。因此,數位學習發展成功與否的關鍵在於如何提供適當且實用的教學內容供學習者學習。這些教學資源必須能快速的製作,並透過適當的學習平台傳遞給學習者。因此,許多規範完善的數位學習標準也相繼被提出,並成為教材共用、分享、搜尋、再利用等功能之最基本要求,以達到有效降低數位化課程製作時所將花費之時間與成本。 另一方面,WEB 2.0的概念使得桌上型應用程式漸漸被網路應用程式所取代,學習者透過教學者所製作的課程內容來進行學習活動是現階段數位學習環境的概況,而如何能夠提供課程編輯者一個完善的編輯環境以及簡單的操作流程一直是開發人員在設計課程編輯系統上的主要目標,本論文提出一個Web-Based的線上課程編輯系統,以應用最為廣泛的數位學習標準SCORM為主要對象,除了對於課程內容的編輯外,更針對世界上不同的數位學習標準進行探究並設計格式轉換之機制,著重於如何將SCORM課程與TW LOM及IMS Common Cartridge兩種主要的數位學習標準進行互通性轉換,利用此轉換機制以期能擴展到未來與其他相關標準間之對應。


With the trend of the Internet applications, e-Learning has shown its significance along with various learning activities in more convenient ways. Followed by this tendency, many well-known e-learning specifications were proposed to regulate those digitalized learning activities in a standardized manner. However, with respect to the interoperability among various e-learning specifications nowadays, some of them were designed to support particular domains. And this will lead to the result of poor sharability of existing learning resources. On the other hand, the courseware authoring could be considered as the fundamental process while realizing an e-learning environment. As a result, the applicable scope and the user-friendliness should be taken into account for supporting efficient learning contents development. In this thesis, we would like to propose a courseware authoring tool to achieve the interpretability among different e-learning standards such as SCORM, TWLOM, and IMC Common Cartridge based on Web 2.0 technologies in an efficient way.


[2] Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL), http://www.adlnet.org/
[3] Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM) 2004 Overview, http://www.adlnet.gov/scorm/
[11] IMS Learning Design specification, http://www.imsglobal.org/learningdesign/
[12] World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), http://www.w3.org/
[14] eXtensible Markup Language (XML), http://www.w3.org/XML/
