  • 學位論文

雲端運算服務之探討-以Google Map應用在遠距居家照護為例

Studies on Cloud Computing Service - A Case Study of Applying Google Map on Tel-Home Care

指導教授 : 李鴻璋


2008年遠距居家照護服務被政府列為新興服務產業發展計畫之一,主要目的是讓病友在家裡也能夠接受持續性的醫療照護。除了透過生醫資訊系統進行遠距居家醫療照護外,其中部分照護項目需要醫護人員親自到達病患家中進行如復健、三餐等照護,而這些需要居家照護人員散居各處,如何妥善規劃拜訪路徑,為遠距居家照護服務主要之課題。 規劃拜訪路徑為一個旅行銷售員問題,過去有許多研究提出旅行銷售員問題的解決方法,如螞蟻演算法、塔布搜尋法、基因演算法,等,而規劃拜訪路徑必須取得現實環境中的地理資訊,近年來Google提供免費或付費的Google Map雲端地理資訊服務,並以JavaScript作為與用戶間的溝通標準。因此本研究整合Google Map的雲端服務、旅行銷售員問題及遠距居家照護,實作一套能夠協助醫療照護人員規劃探訪病友順序、路徑、及預計之服務時間的系統。 本研究之遠距居家照護路徑規劃系統分為地理資訊處理模組與拜訪順序規劃模組,地理資訊處理模組負責與Google Map溝通取得現實環境之地理資訊並將資訊送往拜訪順序規劃模組進行規劃,拜訪順序規劃模組負責規劃每位醫療照護人員需拜訪之節點、順序及預計服務之時間,並將結果交由地理資訊處理模組顯示給使用者;本研究於最後展示實作之系統畫面與架構。


In 2008 our government announced that Tel-Home Care is one of the new type of industry service. The purpose of Tel-Home Care is to take care of cared patients continuously even when they at home. The care workers can take care of them through the Tel-medical information system, but there are some tasks that care workers must pay a visit to patients by themselves, for instance, rehabilitation and meal delivery, thus, care workers have to go to a lot of place when they run their tasks. So we must plan the routing path and visiting order well. Planning the routing path is a Traveling Salesman Problem, there were some researches propose some methods to solve it, for instance, Ant Algorithm, Tabu Search and Genetic Algorithms. To plan the routing path, we must get geographical information in the real world. Fortunately, the Google company released geographical information on its cloud computing service know as Google Map, we can get its service easily only through its JavaScript API. So, we attempt to combine Google Map service with Traveling Salesman Problem and applying it on Tel-Home Care. We implement a system whitch help care workers to plan visiting order, path and estimated arrival time for each cared patients. Our System can be divided into two parts, one is Geographical Information Processing Module which communicates with the Google Map service to get geographical information in the real world and send data to the other part, we call it routing path planning module. When it receives the data from geographical information processing module, it assigns nodes and computes routing paths and estimated service intervals for each care worker. Then it returns the processed results to the geographical information processing module for displaying. Finally, we demonstrate the architecture and instructions of our system.


[10]A. Vouk, " Cloud Computing – Issues,Research and Implementations", Journal of Computing and Information Technology,pp. 235-246, 2008.


