

根據世界衛生組織(World Health Organization,簡稱為WHO)的定義,一個國家內65歲以上的人口,佔總人口比例7%以上,即稱為高齡化社會、達14%稱為高齡社會、達20%稱之為超高齡社會。依此界定,台灣地區2014年老年人口已達12%,除了繼續朝向高齡社會的方向前進外,根據國家發展委員會推估,我國於2018年,老人人口比例將超過14%,進入「高齡社會」;至2026年老人人口比例超過20%,達到「超高齡社會」的標準。行政院於2007年制定之長期照顧十年計劃,希望藉由該計畫使需協助者能獲得適切的服務,增進獨立生活能力,提升生活品質,以維持尊嚴與自主。 本研究【智慧型居家服務系統】目的,針對長期照顧十年計劃項目之一【居家服務】,透過行動裝置即時回傳居家服務督導員或照顧服務員的即時資訊,讓機構內的人員隨時掌握最新資訊、並建構整合性與可跨單位使用、彈性化排班設計與薪資計算模式提升照顧服務員的勞動收入、系統化記錄服務內容、監測服務對象生理狀況以提升健康管理。


Abstract According to the definition by the World Health Organization (WHO), a country where the number of individuals over sixty-five years of age account for more than 7% of the population is referred to as an aging society, more than 14% an aged society, and more than 20% a hyper-aged society. Based on this classification, the elderly population in Taiwan in 2014 is 12%. Apart from the continuing trend toward an aged society, according to the estimations of the National Development Council, the proportion of elderly population in Taiwan will exceed to 14% by 2018, thus transforming into an “aged society.” Furthermore, by 2026, the proportion of elderly population is predicted to exceed 20%, thus crossing the threshold to a “hyper-aged society.” In 2007, the Executive Yuan launched the National Ten-year Long-Term Care Plan aiming to provide appropriate aid to people who need assistance, thereby enhancing their skills for an independent life and improving the quality of life, so as to maintain their dignity and autonomy. The “Intelligent Home Care Service System” in this study aims to address the issue of “home care service” proposed in the Ten-year Long-Term Care Plan. Through mobile devices that instantaneously transmit real-time information provided by home care service supervisors or home care providers, personnel within the organization will always be updated. This will enable the construction of an integrated, inter-departmental, and flexible schedule design and payroll calculation model, which will enhance the remuneration of home care service providers, systematic records of service content, and monitoring of the physiological conditions of service recipients, thus improving health management. Keywords: home care service, home care service supervisor, home care service provider


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