  • 學位論文


A Study of the Relationship between New Taipei City Junior High School Homeroom Teachers' Moral Leadership and Students' Character erformance

指導教授 : 薛雅慈


本研究旨在瞭解國中導師道德領導與學生品格表現的現況及不同背景變項間的差異情形,並探討彼此間的關係。 為達到研究目的採用問卷調查法進行研究,以分層叢集取樣的方式進行,有效樣本共計 859份, 根據問卷填答結果,以數據處理和分析方法的描述性統計、獨立樣本 t考驗、單因子變異數分析、以及皮爾遜積差相關等方法進行資料處理。 依據資料分析結果,本研究結論如下: 一、新北市國中導師運用道德領導的現況良好,以「批判倫理」表現為最佳。 二、新北市國中學生品格表現的現況良好,以「誠實信用」的表現為最佳。 三、在知覺導師道德領導與自我品格表現上國中女學生優於男學生。 四、在知覺導師的道德領導和自我品格表上不會因不同導師性別而有所差異。 五、不同股長經驗、學校規模之國民中學學生知覺導師道德領導程度也不同。 六、不同年級、學校規模之國民中學學生知覺自我品格表現上程度也不同。 七、在知覺導師道德領導與自我品格整體表現上私立學校優於公立學校學生。 八、國中導師展現道德領導行為愈佳,愈有助於學生的品格表現。 研究者根據結論,提出一些建議,以供教育主管機關、國中教師及未來研 究者之參考。


道德領導 品格表現


The purpose of this study was to understand Junior High School Homeroom teachers' moral leadership and students' character performance, as well as the difference of students' perception by their background variables. A questionnaire survey was conducted. Subjects were 859 students selected from junior high schools in New Taipei City through a stratified cluster random sampling . Data collected from the questionnaire survey were analyzed by statistical methods including descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA and Pearson's product-moment correlation. Conclusions of this study were obtained as follows: 1.In terms of students' perception, the homeroom teachers of junior high schools in New Taipei City are good at exercising moral leadership. 2.The junior high school students of New Taipei City are good in self-character performance, especially in "honesty". 3.Girl students are better than Boy students to perceive homeroom teachers' moral leadership and students' self-character performance. 4.In terms of students' perception, there is no significant difference of homeroom teachers' moral leadership and students' self-character performance by teachers' gender. 5.Junior high school students' perceptions on homeroom teachers' moral leadership exist differences in school size and students' experiences of leadership in school life. 6.Junior high school students' perceptions on self-character performance exist differences in school size and students' grade. 7.Students in private schools are easier than the public school ones to perceive homeroom teachers' moral leadership and students' self-character performance. 8.The more moral leadership of the junior high school homeroom teachers performed, the better character performance the students did. Based on conclusions mentioned above, some suggestions were recommended for educational administrative authorities and school administration as well as school teachers and future research.


林純雯(2002)。國民中學校長道德領導之研究。教育研究集刊,第48輯, 第2期 ,p69-111。
