  • 學位論文


A Simulation Model for Line Section Capacity Analysis of Taiwan Railway Administration with various train operation systems

指導教授 : 陶治中


國內近年來重大交通建設舉凡捷運、高鐵乃至於台鐵轉型,由於其能夠大量且快速達到運輸之目的,因此漸受重視。在各國如火如荼地運用高科技於軌道運輸以提升安全、效率的趨勢下,我國對於軌道運輸系統智慧化之規劃與建置計畫,亦應及時進行。目前台鐵採用固定自動閉塞系統來確保列車行車安全,然而當因應特殊或緊急需求而加開列車時,由於大部分班表固定且行車制度上又有安全間距之考量,縮短發車間隔以提升容量之策略即難以奏效。因此提升鐵路運輸容量的根本方法即為改變行車制度,亦即在保證安全的前提下,藉由不同行車控制方式,進行多種列車調度以滿足乘客最大的需求。 本研究係以台鐵西正線下行松山-新竹段作為研究對象,建構符合台鐵特性多車種混跑、允許超車、越行之列車運行模式,探討採行「移動自動閉塞行車制」對於軌道容量提升之變化。 軌道容量方法論大致可分為解析模式、最佳化模式、模擬模式等三種。解析模式與最佳化模式由於隱含達到系統之穩定狀態,因此較適於相關班表排點問題或時刻表容量問題之求解,且其隱含穩定之系統狀態與現實情況不符,致使求得之軌到容量相對較小且與實際狀況較不符合。模擬模式精確度最高,與系統相依程度高,能夠高度反應真實情況且有利於各種情境之分析模擬。本研究係採用模擬模式並擷取解析模式中若干數學方程式作為模式構建之依據。 模擬結果須與理論值(即時刻表)或實際列車運行實際值經由統計檢定進行驗證之後,始能宣稱模擬模式可代表真實世界;然後進行敏感度分析,以確認各影響變數對於軌道容量之影響程度,最後進行情境模擬,在「固定自動閉塞」與「移動自動閉塞」兩種行車制下,檢視不同車種組成、不同發車間隔下所產生的軌道容量變化值並進行比較。 研究結果發現:在軌道容量計算上,應選定不受列車任務影響之最瓶頸觀察基準點,並以加權平均方式計算列車運轉最小時隔以考慮列車車種組成。在現行列車任務及車種組成下,採行「固定自動閉塞」行車制與「移動自動閉塞」行車制之觀察樣本服務時間可由14000秒減至10000秒,軌道容量則可由122(TU/day)增為273(TU/day),因此「移動自動閉塞」行車制的成效可見一斑。


The Applications of high technologies in the field of railways to improve safety and efficiency have become a global trend recently, such as Moving Auto-blocked System (MAS) has been promoted in USA, Europe and Japan. Taiwan Railway Administration (TRA) is often not able to cope with changeable travel demands to increase capacity because of using Fixed Auto-blocked System (FAS). It is, therefore, the main purpose of this study to quantify the possible capacity by comparing MAS and FAS. The “Song Sang-Hsinchu” line section of TRA is chosen as the empirical case study to verify and validate the proposed simulation model considering the characteristics of running and overtaking behaviors with multiple train classes. First, speed-distance diagrams for each train class are identified by using mathematical formals derived from analytical models. Then the logical flows of train movements from starting station to end station for time-space diagrams with two different train operation systems are transformed into a simulation program by using C++. Verifications and validations are proceeded stepwise to ensure the simulation model to be almost realistic with statistical proofs. It is concluded that a solid capacity analysis is feasible only when observed points without train tasks disturbances on a bottleneck line section are fixed. The weight averages method is also recommended to calculate train operation headways considering various train classes. In the case of existing train tasks and train classes, it is shown significantly that the capacity with FAS is 122 (TU/day), while the capacity with MAS is 273(TU/day). The existing capacity almost increases 124%.


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