  • 學位論文


The Analysis of Military Service System Reform:Persective of Policy-making Process

指導教授 : 陳恒鈞


隨著政黨輪替,台灣的民主化順勢躍進,一波波的改革工程相繼推出,「兵役制度」當然也在這一波改革工程之列。自從二○○三年國防部選定陸、海、空軍各一個營級單位,以全募兵方式朝募兵制推動,惟仍屬實驗性階段,尚無實證性定論,相關配套措施、檢討改進方向等諸多問題,尚待釐清;即配合民意,將義務役役期由原本一年十個月,迄今縮減至僅需一年的役期,扣除新兵一個多月入伍訓練、一百多天的休假,實際在營服役時間僅七個月,相關戰技訓練扎實、純熟度,已令人堪虞,遑論戰力不墜。在第二次政黨輪替的此時,代表國民黨參選,獲得七百多萬人託付的總統馬英九先生,就職即宣布在未來的四到六年內完成全募兵制,在這場大型的實驗中,究竟會孕出新而優秀的兵役制度,亦或會製造出危害國家安全的亂源,成為眾所矚目的問題。 兵役制度選項,無論徵兵制、募兵制、亦或募徵併行制,一般說來,並無孰優孰劣的問題,僅有適切的辯證。本研究主要以「質化研究途徑」,運用文件分析法、訪談法,瞭解當前兵役制度的決策過程,分析其影響之因素;探究兵役制度選擇方向,及政府在規劃、推行兵役制度,究竟是以專業分析面對真相,亦或媚俗地配合民意獲得選票(舉)利益,民意機關(立法委員)在這場兵役制度變革過程中所扮演角色。


With the party alternation in power, Taiwan’s democratic transformation is gradually leaping forward. Following this evolution, the new government has been successively proposing and executing reformation programs since assuming office. The reformation of military service system is one of them. In fact, the Ministry of National Defense has been experimenting with the all-volunteer military service system since 2003 by manning only volunteer soldiers in one selected battalion level unit in each service. However, this system is still in the experiment phase. Before it can be realized, coordinated measures are required and several problems must be solved. Nevertheless, to win public support, the former government reduced the term of compulsive military service from one year and ten months to one year. With about 5-week basic training program and more than 100 days statutory leaves, each conscript can actually serve in the military for approximately 7 months. With this brief military service term, the proficiency of fighting skill of each conscript is doubtful not to mention about maintaining the overall Armed Forces operation readiness level. Therefore, as soon as President Ma assumed the office, he declared that Taiwan will implement all-volunteer military system in 4 to 6 years. This policy is catching a lot of public attention that if this vast-scale experiment will breed an excellent military service system or become a source of problems which jeopardize national security. Generally, no matter a country is implementing conscription military service system, volunteer military service system, or a composite system of the previous two, there is no argument about which is better but which is more appropriate. This study adopts a qualitative approach and employs document analysis, interviews to understand current decision making process for military service system implementation and analyze its affecting factors. It is trying to seek the correct direction of adopting a military service system and how the government is planning and implementing this system. Does the government face the truth with professional analysis when making its decision, or actually thinking about the support of populace in favor of the future election? What role is the legislature playing in this military service system reformation?


Porter, Michael E.著,李明軒、邱如美譯(1996)。國家競爭優勢(The Competitive Advantage of Nations)(下)。台北:天下。
