  • 學位論文


A study of Personality Speciality, Disaster Recognition and Prevention Strategies-An Empirical Study of Headquarter of Chinese Air Force.

指導教授 : 黃曼琴


國軍已將「救災」工作納為重要任務,以利於第一時間投入災害救援,使國人生命財產損失,降至最低程度。但是,國軍組織受到外來及內在環境因素衝擊下,實施精實、精進、精銳等案,希鑄造每人成為以一當十,甚而當百的幹部,然而組織變革的過程中,員工往往因未來的環境不確定性及工作發生變化,產生害怕與恐懼的心理反應,進而影響其態度的表現;因此,國軍人員面對這些自然災害時,普遍的處置方式為何?如何能在災害來臨之前預先做好防災的準備;而國軍人員在面對災害時,是否優於一般民眾?因此,探討國軍人員對於災害前防治、當下及災害後處理,在因應作為上出現了那些反應,而這些反應又對災害防治產生何種程度的影響? 本研究之目的,旨在探討志願役士兵之人格特質是否影響災害防治認知及其防災因應作為,因此藉由探討志願役士兵人格特質傾向為樣本,探討部隊現有人格特質現況、人員對於災害防治認知及其防災因應作為?本研究以國防部空軍司令部各專業幕僚單位的志願役軍士官為研究對象進行普測,共發出240份問卷,回收236份,有效問卷226份。依其對人格特質、災害防治認知及防災因應作為等量表認知蒐集資料,進行實證研究,具體研究結果如下: 一、高司參謀人員人格特質會影響其災害防治認知。 二、高司參謀人員人格特質會影響其防災因應作為。 三、高司參謀人員災害防治認知會影響其防災因應作為。 四、高司參謀人員「災害防治認知」對「人格特質」與「防災因應作為」之間關係具有中介效果。


Military has already taken the disaster relief as an important mission to put in disaster relief in prime time. This can help compatriots minimize the loss of life and poverty. However, because of the impact from external and internal environmental factors, the military organization implements lean, refined, elite cases and so on, hoping that everyone can be the cadre who can be regard as one to against ten even hundred. While during the process of organization change, staffs are due to the uncertainty of the future and changes of working environment, fear and scared appear in psychological response, those even have impact on their attitude. As a result, what is the general deposition when military personnel face these natural disasters? How to prepare the disaster prevention before the disaster comes; if the attitude of military is better than general people when facing disasters. Therefore, we discuss what reactions military have about the prevention before the disaster, in the moment, and after the disaster.Also, what effects do these reactions have for the disaster prevention? The purpose of the research is to discuss whether the personalities of volunteer soldiers influence the cognition and their behaviors for disaster prevention or not. Therefore by discussing personalities of volunteer soldiers as an example, we try to realize the current situation, the cognition and the behaviors for disaster prevention. In this research, we choose the volunteers services of Air Force Command headquarter officer and NCO staffs of MND as the objects to test. There are total 240 questionnaires; we retrieved 236 questionnaires, and the valid samples are 226. Based on their personalities, disaster awareness and disaster prevention, we proceed empirical researching. The results are as follows: a. The personality traits of high-staff officer will affect his/her disaster awareness. b. The personality traits of high-staff officer will affect his/ her behavior in disaster prevention. c. The disaster awareness of high-staff officer will affect his/her behavior in disaster prevention. d. The disaster awareness of high-staff officer has a mediating effect on the relationship between the personality traits and the behaviors in disaster prevention. Keywords: Personality traits,disaster awareness,the behavior in disaster prevention.


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