  • 學位論文


A Study of the China's United Front Strategies toward Taiwan (2008-2016)

指導教授 : 沈明室


透過整理研究中共統一戰線的發展與演變以及對臺統戰的階段發展,並分析在政治、經濟、文化、軍事四個層面上對我國進行之統戰作為,並根據其當前之做法,嘗試探測其未來發展之趨勢,對我國可行之應對方案提出探討與建議。本文共分五章,茲將各章重點摘記如後。 第一章緒論,闡明研究動機與目的、研究範圍與內容及研究方法與架構。 第二章探討中共統一戰線發展與演變以及其對臺統戰之階段發展,並階段性分析其對臺之統戰目標。 第三章論述中共就政治、經濟、文化、軍事四個層面對我國實行之統戰作為。 第四章分析中共當前對臺統戰之戰略與實際,分析中共當前對台統戰工作之實際內涵,最後歸納中共對台統戰工作之重點並試述其未來發展之趨勢。 第五章為結論,綜合以上論述,為反制中共統戰工作,研提戰略構想並提出因應對策。


統一戰線 對台政策


To sum up People’s Republic of China (PRC)’s Taiwan(ROC)-united front strategies, is the most important goal of this thesis. In order to prove how PRC use their united front strategies to us, and how it developed, we analysis by many way which including political, economy, culture and military sides. This thesis is not only focus on the past facts, but also trying to predict the future development, so there are 4 chapters to discuss this topic, then is the conclusion of the whole map. Chapter one: Introduction, talk about the motivation why this topic, and the research methods. A solid foundation is the basic demand of building high tower. Chapter two: Discuss the development of PRC’s united front strategy, and then how it works to Taiwan (ROC), this basic idea is analysis by stage of each sections and meaning. Chapter three: Analysis How PRC uses their united front strategy to our political, economy, culture and military targets. Chapter four: Inspect PRC’s word, is their united front strategy really works? After we understand their ways, means, and even their cogitation now we can start to operation. Use their way to predict what’s their next step. Chapter five: Conclusion, sum up the whole idea of this thesis, give a summary of People’s Republic of China (PRC)’s Taiwan(ROC)-united front strategies and make relevant coping strategies for future demand.


United Front Strategies


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