  • 學位論文


A Study on the Policy of Transferring Intellectual Property Rights of Research Outputs to Universities: The Compliance of Policy Stakeholders in Universities

指導教授 : 黃婉玲


為使大學校院研發成果能獲得最佳的運用,政府於1999年仿效美國拜杜法案(Bayh-Dole Act)通過施行「科學技術基本法」,其中第六條揭示由政府補助之研究計畫,其所獲之研發成果智慧財產權,下放至研究計畫執行單位所有,並負推廣運用之責。此舉改變過去政府出資,國家必須擁有所有權之觀念,使大學的研發成果不再受國有財產法等規定之限制,以鼓勵研究創新,此即為研發成果智慧財產權下放政策。 自科學技術基本法通過施行至今已有15年之久,關於前述政策成效的探討,過去研究多著重於量化成果的分析(例如專利數量、引用率、權利金的增減等),較少從質化的角度切入,深入了解相關人員在執行或適用此項政策時,所面臨的問題與阻礙。有鑑於此,本文以國立臺灣大學與私立淡江大學兩個對比個案為研究對象,透過對其校內技轉中心人員與教授進行深度訪談,分析兩校內利害關係人對下放政策的順服程度,並進一步了解影響其政策順服的因素。 本研究發現國立臺灣大學雖在資源與研發成果運用表現上均大幅領先淡江大學,但就政策順服程度整體看來,淡江大學校內利害關係人順服下放政策程度卻相對高於國立臺灣大學校內利害關係人,在參與技術移轉活動行為上亦顯得相對積極。而影響政策利害關係人順服程度之因素,主要有四: 其一為行為動機,包含研究經費、獎勵措施等因素;其二為校方與技轉單位所提供之資源規模;其三為政策利害關係人對該政策之認知與態度;其四為與其他利害關係人之互動。此外,訪談資料亦顯示,下放政策施行以來,大學專利與技轉數量雖呈逐年增長的狀態,但在執行過程中,仍面臨資源不足、研究計畫主管機關的介入以及產學移轉落差等問題。本研究結果預期能在實務上,為研發成果相關政策的推動,提供改進建議,以健全我國大學校院研發成果管理制度。


Informed by the U.S. Bayh-Dole Act, Taiwan government adopted the Science and Technology Basic Law (STBL) in 1999. Article. 6 of the STBL enables universities to own intellectual property rights of the research funded by government, and to assume the responsibility of promoting the use of university research. This initiative challenges the idea that “government pays, government claims,” and makes university research outputs no longer regulated by the National Property Act. Some research intends to investigate the impact of this policy by examining the extent to which the number of patents awarded, patent citations and royalty have increased since the adoption of the STBL. However, few studies employ a qualitative approach to understand difficulties and problems facing policy stakeholders when implementing the policy. Accordingly National Taiwan University (NTU) and Tamkang University (TKU) were selected for this case study. By interviewing staff of technology transfer offices (TTOs) and faculty members, this study aims to understand the degree of policy compliance of stakeholders in universities and to identify the factors that may explain differences in policy compliance among the stakeholders. Our finding shows that NTU has more resources and better quantitative performance than TKU, while stakeholders of TKU present a higher degree of policy compliance. In addition, four factors may explain differences in policy compliance among the stakeholders: First, behavioral motivation such as, expected research funds and rewards; Second, resources and support that universities and TTOs provide; Third, the stakeholder’s attitude and perception of the policy; Four, interaction with non-university stakeholders. We conclude that the major problems universities face when implementing the policy include resource shortage, interference by the government and a gap between university and industry. The finding of this study is expected to provide policy implications for university managers and decision makers.


孫志麟(2007)。績效控制或專業發展?大學教師評鑑的兩難。教育實踐與研究,第20 卷,第2 期,95-128。


