  • 學位論文


The Serendipity Influence on Self-Transforming Experiences of Spirituality - A Narrative Research

指導教授 : 宋鴻燕


本研究探討偶發事件在⼼靈轉化經驗之敘說研究,研究以⽴意抽樣兩位⽣命中經歷偶發事件之後具⼼靈轉化經驗歷程者為訪談對象。藉由半結構式訪談回溯其⽣命歷程敘說,每位訪談三次,每次2-3⼩時,訪談總時數共約15⼩時,採取Lieblich、Tuval-Mashiach和 Zilber(1998)所提出的「整體─內容」分析⽅式。藉由研究問題得出研究結論如下:壹、偶發事件經驗的內涵:從偶發事件的內涵可以發現,重⼤且負向的偶發事件蘊藏⼼靈轉化的召喚 ;重⼤且負向的偶發事件意欲⾃我要與內在⼼靈重新連結;疾病、意外或重⼤失落是內在⼼靈的同時性事件。 從偶發事件發展的脈絡發現,⽗權⽂化對形塑⼥性的原型有很⼤影響。貳、研究參與者經歷偶發事件後的⼼靈轉化經驗為:原型認同的擴展;⾯對情結與陰影收回投射⽽展現⾃⼰的⼒量;從完全的⾃我意識狀態到與真我的連結;另外從轉化歷程中歸納出療癒⽅式為,整合涵括⾝⼼靈多元⽅式及意識和無意識層⾯;⾃我覺察是持續進⾏的;⼼靈轉化歷程有適當他⼈的引導。參、研究參與者在⼼靈轉化經驗之後的⽣涯發展:⽣涯發展重⼼不只放在⾃⼰⾝上,⽽是將⾃⼰的⽣命與他⼈的連結,卻不是以滿⾜他⼈期待為主,⽽是遵循內在想做的事,展現個⼈的主體性與獨特性。在⽣命意義的重新詮釋:接納⽣命中的偶發事件是讓⾃⼰成⾧。


This study explores the serendipity influence on self-transforming experiences of spirituality in a narrative study. The interview target of study is based on the idea of two life experiences which have occasional experience of spiritual transformation experience. There are semi-structured interviews were traced back to their life experience by narratives, with 3 interview sessions, 2-3 hours per each, and the total interviews hours are 15 hours, analysis method called of holistic-content, was proposed by Lieblich, Tuval-Mashiach and Zilber (1998). The conclusions of the study are as follows: The First, the connotation of occasional event: Significant and negative contingencies contain the call of spiritual transformation; Significant and negative occasional events are intended to re-connect with the inner mind; A disease, accidental or lost is a serendipity of inner mind. From the development of occasional events, we found that patriarchal culture has a great impact on the prototype of women. The second, To study the participants’ experience of spirit transformation after the occasional events, Transforming experiences: Identity expansion of archetype; To face the complex and shadow by taken back the projection, with show their strength; From the complete state of self-consciousness to the connection with the Self. From the transformation process to sum up the healing method, Integration encompasses multiple forms of body and mind, consciousness and unconscious level; for self-awareness is ongoing; The spirit transformation process has appropriate guidance of others. The third, with regard to study the career development of participants after the experience of spirit transformation: Career development focus not only on their own, but also link the life with others, it is not to meet the expectations of others, but to follow the inherent in want to do, and to show the individuality and characteristic uniqueness. Reinterpretations in the meaning of life: acceptance the occasional event in life is to make yourself grow.


周⼤為(2014)。⼼靈轉化之旅: 以藝術創作探究「個⼈神話」(未出版之碩
