  • 學位論文

以產品美學屬性做為競爭策略之研究 —台灣智慧型手機市場之探討

Product Aesthetic Attributes as Competitive Strategy —The Study of Smart Phones in Taiwan’s Market

指導教授 : 黃哲盛
共同指導教授 : 謝志柔


本研究的研究目的在於,是否可以在傳統的產品屬性分類外,將產品的美學部份獨立建構出一個屬性構面,突顯產品美學屬性的屬性構面對於消費者美學反應的喚起,進而影響其購買決策與品牌選擇。本研究將產品美學屬性建構為五個構面(包含比例、角度、顏色、材質和藝術融入)並且將此五個構面發展出適用於智慧型手機的產品美學屬性和水準,分析其對購買決策的影響,更進一步探討智慧型手機的美學屬性,在不同族群的最佳組合。 本研究採聯合分析法,透過上述五個美學屬性研究消費者進行購買決策時的判斷取捨。並利用生活型態變數將受訪者分群,透過集群分析的萃取與命名,分為「時尚美學群」,「節儉實用群」和「設計美學群」三個族群分析消費者的美學反應。結果顯示,「時尚美學群」重視的產品美學屬性構面依序為藝術融入、顏色、比例、材質和角度;「節儉實用群」為顏色、藝術融入、比例、材質和角度;「設計美學群」則為顏色、藝術融入、比例、角度與材質,三個族群偏好不同的美學屬性水準。最後,利用聯合分析結果的成份效用值,找出各受測者族群間的智慧型美學屬性最佳組合,可供未來廠商在新產品設計與行銷策略擬定之參考。


Cellular phones are kind of out of fashion now when smart phones are emerging, which do not follow the traditional way to confine to functional needs. There are more and more smart phones combined with aesthetic design to attract consumers, though the functions of smart phones are much better than thoses of celluar phones. Veiwng from this, the trend of aesthetics is getting more and more important, which is used to be a competitive strategy when the market is tough. At the present time, product aesthetic attributes play an indispensible role in consumer purchase decision which is usually affected by traditionally functional demands before. Therefore, using product aesthetic attributes as a marketing strategy is hot issue now, and in the study, we intend to explore the aesthetic attributes of a smart phone by conjoint analysis to dissect the best aesthetic attributes of a smart phone to help the marketers make competivie strategies to win consumer preference. The main purpose of this study is to examine the role of products aesthetic attributes in consumer purchase decision through utilizing a conjoint analysis among consumers for smart phones in Taiwan. We construct product aesthetic attributes that are proposed and built in literature, and then by means of content analysis, we establish the levels of smart phones which are searched on the representative of web sites.The stimuli is designed by PowerPoint. Through conjoint analysis , we are able to get the combinations of smart phones’ aesthetic attributes which different groups prefer.


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