  • 學位論文


Disaster Rescue System Management and Operation –An Experience Analysis of Taiwan and the United States

指導教授 : 李仲彬


現今社會經常面臨的是「複合式災害」,所以災害防救工作已經成為各級政府必須面對及處理的課題。我國在經過2009年莫拉克颱風侵襲之後,顯示出中央與地方政府面對複合式災害時應變處置失當,各界皆提出建議我國應該學習美國建立一個災害專責機構,以避免未來面對複合式災害災害防救治理的盲點,故本研究欲探討美國與臺灣災害防救體系,當面臨複合式災害時,美國與臺灣在理論上與實際上執行應變的經驗。從這個目的提出兩個研究問題: (一)災害發生時,政府應該執行哪些應變措施以達到有效管理災害? (二)面對複合式災害,美國與臺灣救災體系在理論上與實際上如何應變?臺灣有哪些可以改進的地方? 本研究採用文獻分析法和深度訪談法,首先歸納出危機管理與災害管理的文獻,它們提出應變有哪些工作項目,並以Nunamaker(1989)提出的「危機指揮系統」、「危機情境監測系統」、「危機資源管理系統」做為整合應變工作的主要項目,並從公共行政的角度探討美國採整合式的組織架構下,面對卡催娜颶風和桑迪風暴時的實際災害應變作為;臺灣則是分工的模式之下,面對如莫拉克颱風複合式災害的嚴峻挑戰,這其中運作的差異,以做為探討兩國實際上的應變經驗。 經本研究分析後,臺灣災害防救體系最大的缺失為「無一專責執行救災的機構」,雖然我國現在有一個常設性的行政院災害防救辦公室,但其位階不高、權責不夠,以及人員配置和無獨立預算的結果,讓它只是一個協調指揮各部會的機關,卻無功能如美國聯邦危機管理局的獨立執行災害應變的專權,未來,政府可以將其位階拉高,並賦予其更多執行救災的權力,朝執行專責救災機關的方向邁進,使其達成預防危機、緊急應變的要求,以滿足國人的期待。


Now the community facing compound catastrophe, in 2009, after the invasion caused by typhoon Morakot in Taiwan, at that time, all works of life assays we should be mended learn the US proposal to rebuild a disaster professional responsibility organization, in the future when we facing compound catastrophe can be effectively carried out and blind spots in disaster prevention and rescue can be avoided, in this thesis, I want to viewpoints when we facing compound catastrophe, United States and Taiwan’s experience in theory and in practice the implementation of contingency, from this purpose I have two research question:first, when disasters occur, what the government should implement contingency measure to management disaster achieve efficient? Second, facing compound catastrophe, United States and Taiwan’s experience how to implementation of contingency in theory and in practice? And what items for improvement in Taiwan?Methods of this study included literary analysis and In-depth interview,first summarized in literature about emergency management and disaster management, what are they put forward responsed work item, and with Nunamaker put forth of ” Emergency Command System” .”The Crisis Scenario Monitor System ”and”Crisis Resource Management System”be used as key item of integration work, and inquire into the United States adopting the organization structure of integration type from the angel of the public administration, face the Katrina hurricane and Sandy hurricane to work seamlessly to response disaster, Taiwan is mode of division of labour, encountering critical challenge of compound catastrophe as typhoon Morakot, the difference operating among them inquire being used as two countries to actually response experience.Through this research analyze behind, the biggest interfection of Taiwanese disaster prevention system for ”neither be responsible for the organization of carrying out the rescue ”, although our country has one often establish a disaster prevention office in Administration Yuan now, it the rank isn’t high , the power isn’t enough , and the personnel installs and without result of independent budget , let it is particularly just the organization that a coordination directs each ministry , but has no function such as independent performance disaster of American Federal Emergency Management Agency to meet an emergency the power.




