  • 學位論文


The Effectiveness of Digital Transformation Teaching Materials Applied to Courses

指導教授 : 劉寅春


現今社會科技的發展日新月異,人們做任何事情都在講求速度跟便利,亦隨著科技的迅速成長,人們除了能在網上購物外,在網上學習新知識也已經十分普遍,例如在網上學習烹飪、學習外語或從網上查看最新時事等等數不勝數。也因為疫情原因,導致教學進度受到影響,因此本研究則針對在傳統教學模式下所造成的局限性並借助利用數位轉化教材去改善其限制並加強學習的靈活性及便利性。從而增加學生的參與度與創意性,以及課程的掌控度與學習成效。 本研究欲運用數位化教材的方式去嘗試改善在傳統教學課程中小組討論的一些受限性與不足之處,人們如今接收知識的地方也不單單只有在學校上課,隨著行動裝置的普及化。如平板電腦或手機已經成為人們接收知識的另外一個渠道。而數位學習的特性正好與現今社會人們的需求十分吻合。因此本研究則利用IOS系統以及Android系統去讓小組討論演化為數位化教學,從而改變因受傳統教學之教學局限。 本研究會因應不同的部分去利用上述的不同系統平台去針對性改善,使用IOS與Android系統研發的數位教材去進行小組討論。從而提升小組討論的速度與成效,也能改善日後如有因疫情或是天氣所帶來的影響而無法正常上課的問題。目前還有很多要克服的因素,未來將會慢慢嘗試把功能都合併到手機平台上,從而提升使用上的便利性。


This thesis proposes a digital online discussion mobile platform to enhance the learning efficacy of students. Distance learning platforms have been widely developed due to broadband internet services being readily accessible to most people. In addition, the penetration rate of mobile handheld devices are increasing two folds annually. Therefore combining the previously mentioned trends, providing a mobile distance learning platform for students has become a research trend in distance learning. However, many traditional learning techniques has yet to be efficiently transferred to the distance learning environment, especially group discussion. In light of the above, this thesis develops a group discussion platform for mobile handheld devices. An example of a brainstorming activity where group members randomly come up with ideas presented as terminology posted on a trinity axis then consolidated by the group leader is used to show the efficiency of the developed mobile platform. Finally, the results of a field study questionnaire verifies the efficient learning performance of the proposed method.


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