  • 學位論文


The Study on the Cross-Strait Confidence-Building Meadures during Ma Ying-Jeou’s Administration.

指導教授 : 王高成


冷戰結束後,因歐美各國均建立有互信機制的相關歷史經驗,故有關中共與臺灣的兩岸事務處理機制也不斷被建議應仿效之。但兩岸間的長期對立,致使北京當局對此一直反應冷淡,特別是在臺灣李前總統登輝先生提出的兩國論,以及陳前總統水扁先生提出的一邊一國論之情事狀況下。但於2008年臺灣二次政黨輪替後,兩岸在「九二共識」基礎上恢復海基與海協兩會的制度性協商,接續地,中共前胡總理錦濤先生也在其「兩岸關係和平發展」的總體戰略中,對兩岸軍事安全問題的處理,提出了「建立兩岸軍事互信機制」的新做法。這代表著北京當局已釋出「可能存在的善意」,以及兩岸關係確已邁入制度化發展之階段。 承上所述,本研究旨在探究於國際政治經濟脈絡底下,信心建立機制如何以國際公約的形式出現,以及如何落實在簽訂公約國家的正式規範制度中。另外,以次級文獻方法蒐集兩岸在各階段的政治經濟發展脈絡下,所具有互信機制之制度安排的相關文獻。除了梳理各階段的互信機制外,也特別著墨於2008年臺灣二次政黨輪替後迄今,兩岸在模糊的政治地帶中,首以經濟互信為前提所訂立之兩岸經濟合作架構協議,除分析其政治經濟意涵外,同時也說明當中對於兩岸互信機制建立的啟示,以及論及當前兩岸事務合作與信心建立制度的困難與挑戰。最後,本研究依據研究結論,提出兩岸互信機制建立的相關實務建議,供學術與實務界參酌。


After the Cold War, Europe and the United States have to establish mutual trust mechanism related to historical experience. About cross-strait transaction processing mechanism is being constantly recommendations should follow it. But the long-term confrontation between the two sides, Beijing authorities have been lukewarm, especially the Taiwan ex-President Lee Teng-hui proposed thesis of two states, as well as former President Chen Shui-bian on approach of two sides-two countries. But in 2008, after Taiwan's two ruling parties, the cross-strait under the 1992 consensus based on the recovery institutional negotiations continue, at that time the Chinese Communist Prime Minister Hu Jin-tao also set up The Thesis on Peaceful Cross-strait Relations Development of the overall strategy for handling cross-strait military security issues, proposed to establish cross-strait military mutual trust mechanism. This represents the institutionalization of cross-strait relations into the development stage. This study aims to explore the international political and economic context underneath how confidence building mechanism in the form of an international convention, as well as how to implement the signing of the Convention on the country's formal specification system. In addition to methods of collecting secondary literature in various stages of cross-strait economic and political context of the development, the mechanism of mutual trust was analyzed with the institutional arrangements of the relevant literature. Combing the various stages of mutual trust mechanism, particularly dwell on two ruling parties in 2008 so far, the two sides in the political area blurred, the first premise of mutual trust in the economy entered into cross-strait Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement, ECFA, in addition to analyzing the political economic implications, but also the description of which mutual trust mechanism is established for inspiration, as well as addressing the current cross-strait affairs cooperation and confidence-building regime difficulties and challenges. Finally, based on the research conclusions, it establishes that mutual trust mechanism relevant practical advice for academic and practitioners deliberate.


