  • 學位論文


Kyoto political situation and the relationship between the Imperial Court and Edo shogunate at the Bakumatsu- Mainly Emperor Kōmei and Matsudaira Katamori of the Bunkyū and Genji era

指導教授 : 齋藤司良


幕末時期,由於外患問題告急,使得幕府權威變得衰弱,朝廷權威因而逐漸上昇,取代了幕府的地位。同時在這個時期,天皇也開始積極地參與政治活動。以嘉永六年(1853年)六月三日的培里艦隊叩關為契機,朝廷展開了政治化運動,外樣大名也產生了自我主張,逐漸蛻變為雄藩。由於培里率領軍艦叩關,促使江戶時代以來的幕藩體制開始崩壞。孝明天皇就在這個內憂外患的時代,登上了幕末時期的歷史舞台。 培里艦隊叩關事件打破了日本長期以來的鎖國狀態,外來勢力的入侵對於位在京都的天皇、朝廷而言,成為一大威脅。幕府為了加強京都戒備,遂於文久二年(1862年)的閏八月一日,任命會津藩主松平容保擔任京都守護職一職。京都守護職並非德川幕府固有的官職,而是在文久期的幕政改革時所新增設的官職。會津藩主松平容保也因為擔任京都守護職一職,登上了幕末政局的舞台。此後,會津藩以及容保自身的命運便隨著政局錯綜複雜的變化,走向悲劇的結局。 本論文以孝明天皇及松平容保為中心來解析幕末的文久、元治時期錯綜複雜的京都政局,並透過朝幕關係的轉換過程的分析這一角度以深入探討幕末維新史。時間範圍方面,筆者以文久二年(1862年)∼元治元年(1864年)的第一次長州征伐為時間範圍,探討當時的中央(京都)政局與朝幕關係。第一章先講述孝明天皇的登場及幕末時期的時代背景,第二章則介紹會津藩主松平容保的經歷以及擔任京都守護職之前的過程;第三章∼第五章為本論文的核心部份,主要論述當時政權如何轉移到京都以及其後的展開。


At the Bakumatsu, the authority of the Edo shogunate weakened gradually by foreign pressures. At this time, the authority of the Imperial Court rose , and Emperor Kōmei 's political movement began. On June 3, 1853, the Imperial Court began to take part in politics. Tozama -daimyo also began to insist on their own will , and became stronger. After the Black ships came to Japan, the old system of the Edo shogunate began to disintegrate. This is when Emperor Kōmei appeared in the historical stage at the end of the Edo shogunate . The isolation of the past was broken down by the coming of commander Perry in his fleet of Black ships. The invasion of the foreign powers became a big threat to Emperor Kōmei and the Imperial Court in Kyoto. In 1862, the Edo shogunate created the post of Kyoto Shugoshoku (Kyoto Military Commissioner) to keep the peace in the city of Kyoto. Matsudaira Katamori was the 9th daimyo of the Aizu han and the Kyoto Shugoshoku during the Bakumatsu period. The appointment of Kyoto Shugoshoku made Katamori appeared in the center stage at the end of shogunate political situation, as the fate of the Aizu han and Katamori began sloping downward leading to a tragic fall. This thesis appoints Emperor Kōmei and Matsudaira Katamori who was the post of Kyoto Shugoshoku, and clarifies a complex Kyoto political situation of the Bunkyū and Genji era at the Bakumatsu. This thesis consider this as one aspect of the Bakumatsu’s history of the restoration in the relationship between the Imperial Court and Edo shogunate at the Bakumatsu. The time frame of interest is from 1862 to 1864 and the relationship between the Imperial Court and Edo shogunate at the Bakumatsu is examined. In Chapter 1, it introduces Emperor Kōmei and the historical background. In Chapter 2 of this thesis, it introduces a brief history of Matsudaira Katamori who was the daimyo of the Aizu han and the post of Kyoto Shugoshoku. Chapter 3 from Chapter 5 is the center of this thesis, that which describes the shift and the development of the political power in Kyoto.


