  • 學位論文


A study of the factors that influence boutique salespeople's performance

指導教授 : 李月華


隨著各大精品進入台灣市場日益成熟的時代,相對的市場競爭進入前所未有的白熱化階段,但隨之而來的銷售人員之素質、專業能力乃至於品牌導向及教育訓練等等因素,更需要藉由不斷的提升才能使銷售績效達到應有的水準,而Drollinger et al.(2012)則提到有關銷售績效的研究架構是以「積極之同情心傾聽」、「信任」、「關係品質」來作探討;目前相關文獻大多探究各構面單獨影響銷售績效的相關研究,但少有探討有關本研究相關構面來全面性的探討銷售績效之相關文獻,故本研究藉由相關文獻統整出銷售績效影響各構面之研究,希望透過研究能填補其文獻上的缺口。而其研究目的是為了讓自身及公司能更了解銷售人員之銷售策略並進而符合顧客需求,提升市場占有率及品牌形象。本研究以從事S品牌之從事銷售的前線人員為研究對象,並針對這些銷售人員發放紙本問卷,共計回收150份有效問卷,回收後之資料,以統計套裝軟體作為資料分析之工具,選定合適之統計分析方法以利相關資料分析與驗證,其中包括信效度分析、相關性分析、迴歸分析、獨立樣本T檢定分析及單因子變異數分析(ONE-WAY ANOVA)等推論性統計分析。 本研究的結論如下,影響銷售人員過程及績效之因素有銷售人員的傾聽能力、專業能力、教育訓練及銷售過程處理能力的促成交易對銷售過程及績效有正向的影響;而其S品牌精品零售產業教育訓練對銷售人員銷售過程處理能力的影響則經本研究所得之結論則對銷售過程有相當之幫助,以此可知,教育訓練對品牌本身之業績及銷售人員提升有相當之影響力。


As luxury brands enter the increasingly mature and over-saturated Taiwan market, market competition continues to reach unprecedented heights. Such market pressures elevate the need for top quality salespersons with relevant sales skills and extensive brand-orientation and coaching programs especially when maintaining sales performance is tantamount. While Drollinger et al. (2012) developed the structure of using Active Empathetic Listening scale to explore salesperson performance using concepts and factors such as trust, relationship skills, sales performance effectiveness, most research focuses on a single facet of sales performance thereby exposing the lack of comprehensive research into sales performance effectiveness. This research paper aim to close this gap through consolidating relevant literature to derive a comprehensive, multi-faceted analysis into sales performance effectiveness. The goal is to increase market share, improve brand image and satisfy customer needs through better understanding of sales performance strategies employed by salespersons. The underlying data used in this research were collected from 150 surveys filled out by frontline sales related personnel of a luxury brand, referred to as “S brand” from here onwards. Subsequently, the survey data were analyzed with the use of statistical software tools for analysis and validation using various statistical analysis methods including correlation analysis, reliability and validity analysis, independent sample T test analysis and single factor variance (one-way ANOVA) analysis. This research concludes that active empathetic listening skills, product knowledge and issue resolution abilities derived from properly designed sales process, training or education has positive impact on sales performance.


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