  • 學位論文

父母管教對偏差行為和學業適應性問題的影響:以Taiwan Youth Project為例

The Effects of Parenting Practices on Delinquency and Academic Adjustment Problems: Evidence from Taiwan Youth Project.

指導教授 : 劉家樺


不論是從社會化角度、生命歷程觀點或人力資本投入的角度出發,社會科學家認為父母管教方式對子女未來發展是一項重大影響之因素。本文使用「青少年計畫」 (Taiwan Youth Project,TYP) 之第一波與第三波的資料,目的在探討父母管教與國中生偏差行為與學業適應性問題之間的關聯。仿照吳明燁 (2016),本文將父母管教方式分為監視、嚴厲處罰、溝通和費心安排四種,將偏差行為分成兩類,包括外向性偏差行為與內向性偏差行為。 首先,本文使用普通最小平方法分別檢視國一及國三父母管教對國三生偏差行為與學業適應性問題的影響。為降低遺漏變數偏誤,本文以固定效果模型分析父母管教與偏差行為與學業適應性問題之關聯。實證結果顯示,OLS結果存在遺漏變數偏誤,而父母管教確實是影響子女偏差行為與學業適應性問題的重要因素。OLS和FE皆指出,父母監視有助於減少子女外向性偏差行為和學業適應性問題,而父母嚴厲處罰會增加子女內向性偏差行為和學業適應性問題。此外,本文發現國一和國三父母管教對偏差行為與學業適應性問題的影響存在明顯差異,此差異意味著父母似乎可透過操作其管教方式來改變子女的偏差行為與學業適應性問題,因此本文最後將父母管教策略分為開始管教與停止管教兩大類,以Entropy Balancing法分析父母開始管教與停止管教對子女偏差行為與學業適應性問題的影響。開始管教是指父母在國一沒有管教,在國三有管教;停止管教是指父母在國一有管教,在國三時停止管教,結果發現父母可以透過開始或停止的管教策略來影響子女的偏差行為與學業適應性問題。


Social scientists recognized that parenting practices is an important factor to children’s future development whether from Socialization, perspective of lifestyle and human capital investment.In this thesis, I use the first and third waves of the Taiwan Youth Project (TYP) to analyze the effects of parenting practicesondelinquencyand academic adjustment problems.Followed Wu (2016), the parenting practices are classified into supervision, strict punishment, communication and diligent arranging from parenting practices. First, I use the OLS models to examine the impacts of parenting practices in students’ seventh and ninth grades on the delinquency and academic adjustment problems in ninth grade, respectively. Second, I use the fixed effect model to eliminate the source of individual’s heterogeneity to alleviate the omitted variable bias. Results show that parenting practices are important factors for juvenile delinquency and academic adjustment problems. Meanwhile, OLS estimates of parenting practices are significantly large than those of FE, which is evidence that OLS estimation suffer omitted variable bias. Both the OLS and FE estimations indicate that parental supervision reduces children’s external delinquency and academic adjustment problems, while parental strict punishment leads to more internal delinquency and academic adjustment problems. In addition, I find that the OLS estimates of parenting practices in seventh and ninth grades on delinquency and academic adjustment problems differ from each other significantly. This difference suggests that parents may be able to influence children’s delinquency and academic adjustment problems by altering their parenting practices. Motivated from this observation, I analyze parenting strategies with two aspects, starting parenting and stopping parenting, by using the Entropy Balancing methodology. Starting parenting and stopping parenting are defined as follows. Starting parenting is created by coding 1 if the parents do not use the parenting in seventh-grade but begin to use that parenting in ninth-grade, and coding 0 if the parents do not use the parenting in both seventh-grade and ninth-grade. Stopping parenting is coded 1 if the parents use the parenting in seventh-grade but stop the parenting in ninth-grade, and coded 0 if the parents use the parenting in both seventh-grade and ninth-grade. Results indicate that parents can affect children’s delinquency and academic adjustment problems through the strategies of starting or stopping parenting.


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