  • 學位論文


Study of Parenting Styles to Elementary School Children’s Interpersonal Relationship and School Adjustment Behavior

指導教授 : 林韶姿


本研究主要目的是探討父母管教方式對國小學童人際關係與學校適應行為的影響。透過深度訪談、資料回溯、文件分析及長期觀察等方式,瞭解父母管教方式寬鬆放任、忽視冷漠、專制權威,或家中主要照顧者從小過度保護,會影響學童的人際關係及學校適應行為,並容易產生學習適應不良、師生及同儕關係適應不佳、常規適應困擾、自我概念低落。最後,綜合文獻探討與研究資料分析,對家長、學校行政、教師及未來相關研究者提出建議。 本研究之主要結果如下: 1.將人際關係融入課程中,能有效改善個案的親子、手足、同儕與師生關係。 2.實施補救教學,設定學習目標,可以提升個案的學習動機。 3.透過學習讓個案肯定自我,並能和同儕有良好的互動。 4.運用榮譽制度,協助個案減少不當行為。 5.採用正增強,協助個案建立正確的價值觀。


The main purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of parenting styles on elementary school children’s interpersonal relationship and their school adaptive behavior. Through in-depth interviews, backtracking, documentary analysis and long-term observation, to understand parenting styles of permissive, uninvolved, authoritarian, overprotection, will affect their interpersonal and school adaptive behavior, and produce maladaptive learning easily, and poor relationship with his teacher and peers, conventional adaptation problems, and low self-concept. Finally, a comprehensive literature review and research data analysis were used and make the recommendations to parents, school administrators, teachers and related future researchers. The major findings of this study were as follows: 1. Integrates in the curriculum the interpersonal relationship, can improve the case effectively the parent-child, siblings, the associates and the teacher-student relations. 2. The implementation recovery teaching, the hypothesis study goal, may promote the case the study motive. 3. The penetration study lets the case affirm, and can have the good interaction with the associates. 4. Using the honor system, assists the case to reduce does not work as the behavior. 5. Uses is strengthening, assists the case establishment correct values. Keywords: parenting styles, interpersonal relationship, school adaptive behavior, case study


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