  • 學位論文


The Theories and Enforcements of Environmental Rights of Japanese Constitution-Taiwanese Environmental Rights

指導教授 : 胡慶山


環境權的理念,雖然從二十世紀七十年代提倡為新的人權至今,已經歷了四十年的光景,但隨著時代的腳步,科技文明的發展,突飛猛進,人類對環境權的認知與實踐似乎瞠乎其後甚遠。過去,環境受到公害污染的深痛教訓,似乎遠遠拋在腦後。為了生存發展,一些龐大的工程計畫、交通建設等等仍在如火如荼的展開,幾次重大的國際會議也定期舉行,但如祭拜節慶一般熱鬧歡呼一場,會後即束之高閣,其影響所及,較之先進工業產品微乎其微。 日本經過四大公害的「洗禮」,全國上下以普遍認識環境之重要,重建健康環境堪稱完美,原因無他,彼等已確切建立了環境權的觀念,足以適用於國家的法律體系,才有今日傲人的成就,無論任何國民,特別是人權律師、法官、國會議員、專家學者、教師、國家及地方公務員等等,都無不為創造更好的明日環境而努力。本論文鑑於日本對環境權的肯定,首先敘明環境權的形成及性質以及憲法上的依據,日本國憲法25條及13條作為論文的核心,在參酌日本環境判例以及台灣全體人民珍愛這塊土地,確實做好環境保護的基礎工作。而目前台灣的環境因工業型態的不斷快速改變,無論生產或消費的環境,也都有很大的變動,天災加上人為的因素,環境惡化的程度日漸加深。其根本,在日常生活中,無時無刻不以具有環境權的理念並貫徹此理念為終旨,以長遠的眼光與國際思潮接軌,並認識到在執法的過程中強調環境行政法律的正當程序之層面,以建設公平、公正、良好環境的社會。 雖然政府政策亦朝向已創造優質生活環境為目標,但實際上,推動仍然困難,其因素研判為普遍缺乏深化的環境權觀念,及法的執行不夠透徹的緣故。   本論文期望再次重新藉由日本環境權的形成與發展,探討其理念的內涵,再度提醒人民擁有環境權利的原理及其重要性,同時透過台日環境糾紛判例的敘述,全面檢證台灣環境的現在和未來,進而從法制的立場,由人民參與建造理想舒適的美麗生活家園。


Even though the concept of environmental rights merged as part of the human right innovated since 70’s in 20 century, several international environmental conferences instead are taking place like celebration activities in festivals. The ending of these meetings result only in minor constructive far less than the new product development of modern industrial appliances In Japan, the whole nation gradually learned the importance of healthy environments and thus established the country’s environment in satisfactory status around the world; that the Environmental Rights concept being formed and adequately promulgated in the national Law Systems counts the accelerator for healthy environment improvements and highly honored achievements. No matter what level of citizen, especially the human right lawyers, judges, congressman, expertise groups, scholars, teachers, officials and etc… Their endless efforts to create better tomorrow turn out to be the focus. In this paper, there are two important categories. First of all are the core statements on the formation, characters of environmental rights Japan and her constitution proceedings in Japanese Constitution Article 25 and Article 13, secondly are the references through some Japanese Environmental Cases study and Taiwan’s recent reports on environmental rights. Taiwan’s present environments face a lot of different phases of manufacturing and consumption factors and are getting worse by ignorance, manipulation plus erosion disasters. Taiwan’s government policy tends to set up goals for superior living environments, though. In fact, there are difficulties marching forward, the reason mainly result from the insufficient concept of environment rights, in addition to not executing every rules thoroughly. In this essay, we hope, by means of Japanese successful formation of Environmental Rights, to remind our people to conceive the rules and importance of environmental rights that we own. Further more. from the legitimate procedure to construct more optimum living condition for the people.




