  • 學位論文


How did a Public School Utilize Resources from Private-Sector for School Development?

指導教授 : 吳明清


本研究以桃園縣乙所國中小為例,旨在探討學校結合民間資源發展學校特色相關問題。首先,說明個案學校發展藝文特色之緣起;其次,探究個案學校藝文資源之取得與運用;最後,分析個案學校發展藝文特色之困難、對策與成果。 本研究方法兼採文件資料及訪談,將文件資料加以整理歸納,並輔以訪談,以蒐集相關資料,兩者做資料交叉檢視,以達到研究目的。訪談對象以93∼96學年度個案學校之教師團隊為主,並以加入團隊經驗達兩年以上教師為訪談之選取對象。 綜合訪談與文件分析所得之資料,本研究歸納以下結論: 壹、個案學校特色發展之背景與歷程 一、結合廣達文教基金會發展學校之藝文特色,營造人文氣息與多元的藝術校園。 二、積極參與廣達游於藝活動,爭取廣達《游藝館》,發展學校藝文特色。 貳、個案學校運用民間資源的途徑與方式 一、參與廣達游於藝校園巡迴展,爭取基金會之資源挹入。 二、透過廣達《游藝館》教育推廣活動,結合大學及志工資源,發展學校特色。 參、個案學校運用民間資源發展學校特色其得到之成果 一、增進教師專業成長,開發創意教學。 二、拓廣學生藝文視野,學生多元化學習,充實學生的內涵。 三、擴展劉其偉畫作之精神至台北、桃園縣市各級學校。 四、專題研究培養學生自發性學習及尊重生命的態度,並於網界博覽會獲佳績。 五、因廣達游藝館設立及利用媒體行銷,藉此提高學校知名度。 六、藉由發展學校特色,促進學校與社區居民相互合作機會,凝聚社區共識。 七、接受民間資源刺激,開發學校內在潛力。 肆、個案學校與民間機構合作所遭遇到的困難情形與因應對策 一、個案學校與民間機構合作所遭遇到的困難情形 (一)個案學校特色推展目標與基金會預設目標不符,其資源輔助有短缺之虞。 (二)藝文專長教師缺乏,工作重擔無法分工。 (三)教師參與度不夠,學校特色發展有阻礙。 (四)特色課程與學科課程時間分配衝突之影響。 (五)游藝館缺乏管理人員,無法長期開放參觀。 二、個案學校與民間機構合作所遭遇到的困難情形之因應對策 (一)利用校園游藝館藝術空間,結合地方藝文活動,發展校內校園美展。 (二)透過家長會提供志工媽媽協助巡迴展佈展活動減輕老師的負擔。 (三)學校提供特色課程教案給予教師彈性運用,為師生安排導覽時間。 依據本研究之發現與結論,對學校及教師業發展提出若干建議,作為未來研究之參考。


By taking a junior/primary school in Taoyuan County as the case, the purpose of this study was to explore the strategy, process and effects of a public school utilizing resources from the private-sector (Quanta Foundation廣達基金會) to develop school characteristics. Relevant documents of this school were analyzed, and intensive interviews were administered to the school principal and faculty members. Findings of this study were as follows: 1. Due to the shortage of resource for public schools, administrators of the case school as a team select to utilize resources from private-sector as a strategy to development school characteristics. 2. Considering the school background and tradition, art and humanity were emphasized and selected by the case school as school characteristics for further development. 3. The way of this school to gain acknowledgement and to obtain resources from Quanta Foundation was to participate actively activities sponsored by Quanta Foundation. 4. By joining activities sponsored by the Foundation, the case school made good relationship with professional people from university and gained their volunteer support and help to develop school characteristics. 5. There were some significant effects for the case school derived from its participating activities sponsored by the Foundation:1) professional growth of school teachers and development of creative teaching were enhenced; 2) cultural horizons of students were broadened; 3) academic learning as well as life attitude of students were improved; 4) the reputation of the case school was increased; and 5) the school- community coordination and cooperation were improved due to the devemopment of school characteristics. 6. Although the utilization of resources from private-sector produced an overall positive effect for the school to development school characteristics, the school encounted some probemes and difficulties, including the shortage of expertise relating to the school characteristics, lack of teachers participation and involvement, the heavy loading of curriculum development and creative instruction, and the limit of school space for activities relating to school characteristics. Based on findings mentioned above, this study made some suggestions for schools to develop school characteristics by effectively utilizing resources from private-sectors.




