  • 學位論文


A Diagnostic Study on Existing Buildings Energy Conservation in the Cold Term Focused on Taipei City Administrative centers

指導教授 : 王文安


台灣建築物已達到飽和的狀態,現有的舊建築增改建面積佔全部台灣建築工程面積數量的97%,但都未做節能的改善,變成能源消耗的主因。本研究在檢測及分析台北市各區行政中心的辦公建築現今有何問題,如同醫生看診一般,需要知道病人得何種病,就要知道病如何發生,這樣才能對症下藥,藥到病除;建築物也是如此,先診斷出建築物在哪裡耗能,再來針對病情來開藥方處理並解決問題,評估和解析何種方法才是最適當的解決方法。 本研究以台北市各區行政中心為例,取區公所的辦公空間為研究對象。透過國內案例及文獻回顧,彙整出評估的方法和工具;藉由田野調查在冷涼期期間實地量測記錄及訪談,先分析探討各樣本室內環境因子:溫度、濕度、照度和風速的情況與問題,再用EUI值以及將溫度、濕度和風速代入評估公式PMV-PPD轉化成人體舒適度,來了解實質之使用效益並提出改善建議。研究分析之發現如下: 1.以EUI值比較用電量得知,小型辦公類建築〉中型辦公類建築〉大型辦公類建築。代表小型辦公類建築平均用電量為最高,大型辦公類建築為最低。 2.以PMV-PPD值比較人體舒適度和不滿意度得知,小型辦公類建築〉中型辦公類建築〉大型辦公類建築。表示人體舒適度以小型辦公類建築為最好,大型辦公類建築為最差。 3.整體而言,綜合以上之EUI值與PMV-PPD值比較結果於冷涼期未開空調的情況下,以中型辦公類建築為最好。中型辦公類建築其面積大都為矩型空間且二側開窗距離適中,易讓自然風流入來調節室內環境,較容易同時滿足人體舒適度與較低的能源耗損。


行政中心 辦公建築 EUI值 PMV-PPD值


Buildings have reached saturation state for the last decade in Taiwan.Major energy consumption generally does not concern energy saving issues particularly for old buildings which are accounted for 97% of all. This study is to detect and analyze problems of energy consumption in Taipei City administrative office buildings. As a doctor has to know the symptoms in order to diagnose and give treatments to diseases, problems for energy consumptions have to be detected and solutions evaluated before they are solved. The research uses district office space in Taipei City as samples for detecting and diagnosis energy consumption problems. Case studies and documents are reviewed to understand strategies and methods employed in office energy conservation in Taiwan. EUI data are collected to evaluate energy efficiency in office spaces. Temperature, humidity and wind speed are measured and recorded on site in the cold term for PMV-PPD calculation to generate comfort evaluation indexes. In the mean time, on site interviews are also conducted to understand real users’ immediate experience. The following results are concluded based on statistical data analysis: 1.Small office buildings have highest EUI values followed by medium-size and large size office buildings, indicating that small office buildings are in fact most energy consuming while large office are more energy efficient. 2.PMV-PPD values suggest that small office buildings have best human thermal comfort level, followed by medium-size office buildings and large office buildings. 3.Based on the above findings, medium size office buildings are considered most energy efficient without air conditioning in the cold terms due to fenestration distance between the two laterals of a building which allows natural ventilation for less energy consumption as well as better human thermal comfort level.


1998 《辦公建築室內空氣品質與空調設備之診斷研究》內政部建築研究所。
2006 〈不同構造類型歷史建築之室內溫熱環境研究-以宜蘭地區歷史建築


