  • 學位論文


The Tracking of Effectiveness Evaluation of Career Transitional Model for student athletes

指導教授 : 林淑萍


本研究旨在探討大專學生運動員職涯轉銜諮商模式介入之追蹤成效評估,主要目的想瞭解經過一年後對其學生運動員的生涯議題協助成效為何。為深入瞭解此模式介入成效為何,本研究採用質化研究的訪談方式,以曾經參與過課程的八位就讀北部技擊運動相關科系之大四學生為訪談對象,最後經由研究者的理解,分析整理出學生運動員的職涯轉銜諮商模式介入後的成效評估及其相關影響成效因素。 歸納研究結果如下: 一、職涯轉銜諮商模式之成效 1、自我概念層面:(1)對個人狀態覺察層面變多,並開始嘗試思索未來職涯方向(2)與他人互動中,發現個人優點,提升自我效能感,開始會用正向積極態對面對生涯議題。(3)發掘個人重要價值觀,促發改變現在生活模式,積極經營個人形象。(4)養成對於生活經驗的自我反思能力。 2、職涯共通能力:(1)個人溝通表達能力進步。(2)發現社交慣性模式,在公開場合會以嬉鬧方式,隱藏真實自己。(3)調整個人與他人互動方式。 3、職業準備:(1)從認定體育專長是一切,轉變到開始為自己定目標,使個人生涯目標的聚焦。(2)從面對職場沒自信、沒方向,轉變能發現重新找到個人興趣和競爭力,並開始規畫、選擇符合目前可就業的方向。(3)看見個人就業能力不足部分,開始主動培養學習其他專長。(4)積極尋找身邊能使用就業資源,提昇個人就業競爭力及增加就業機會。 二、學生運動員特質影響課程成效之相關因素。 (一)不同運動生涯背景影響學習動機。 (二)體育角色的認同度,影響職涯規劃成效。 (三)課程內容設計有無貼近學生運動員的經驗。 (四)與教練互動模式影響學生運動員對於學習目標的期待。 最後,依據研究結果與討論,研究者提出具體建議,以利於未來應用於學生運動員職涯輔導方案,期許更能讓方案達到最大效益。


The purpose of this study was to explore the effectiveness of a model 18 week career transitional program for student athletes. The model is composed of three areas of training and facilitation in order to enhance athletes’ readiness for a career. These three areas are: 1) self concept, 2) career genetic skills, including social skills, and 3) readiness for career. A qualitative study was conducted one year after the program was implemented. Qualitative research methods were utilized for a more in depth understanding on the effectiveness of the career transitional model for student-athletes. A total of senior college students with a sports major were selected as interviewees for the study. After comprehensive review of all the data collected, the researcher organized the results and identified issues related to the effectiveness of the career transitional model for student athletes. The research results obtained were the following: 1、The effectiveness of the career transitional model (1) Self-concept:To enhance self-awareness, self-efficacy and the discovery of per-sonal values are critical. The student athletes began to try think about the future. (2) Career genetic skills: To enhance communication skills progress and social skills. (3) Readiness for career:Discover personal interests, abilities, and set out for their own career goals. Looking for resources when faced with career barriers. 2、Influencing Factors for the effectiveness of the career transitional model (1) Different sports career backgrounds can affect the motivational level of individuals. (2) The sports degree of recognition of the role, impact career planning effectiveness. (3) Whether the curriculum design is similar to the experience of student athletes. (4) The coach to give a direct student athlete wanted, affecting the ability they look for learning objectives. Finally, future research suggestions and practical implications were provided ac-cording to the study results. These recommendations can help enhance the effective-ness of future programs on this subject.


季力康(2000)。應重視對大學學生運動員之輔導工作,大專體育 ,47,3-4。
