  • 學位論文


An Analysis of Issues Surrounding Digital Rights Management (DRM) in the US 1990 - 2014

指導教授 : 柯大衛


隨著科技的進步,著作權的概念已不只應用在實體作品上,數位化的作品亦可受到「數位權利管理」(Digital Rights Management)的保護。然而即便再有效之保護亦會引起爭議,某些爭議導致了訴訟案件,本論文之目的即在於了解以下兩項爭議所帶來之問題:(1)「數位權利管理」無法完全解決侵犯著作權之問題(2)使用「數位權利管理」之大型數位內容產業公司有壟斷嫌疑。本論文舉出三件訴訟案件,分別為A&M Records, Inc. v. Napster, Inc.、The Apple iPod iTunes Antitrust Litigation與United States v. Apple Inc.。儘管「數位權利管理」的產生目的係為了抵制侵犯數位著作權,其並非解決盜版最好的方式,而發生爭議時,透過訴訟程序為著作權人、消費者甚至是政府爭取公平性最佳的管道。然而科技發展之迅速,許多事件在法律尚未建構下即蜂擁而出,考驗法院如何在有限的法律之下,進行最公平的判決。然而如同所有的犯罪,判決仍無法抵制侵權行為,雖然個人或公司在受到侵害時有機會獲得補償,但對於整體公眾利益來說是無益的,最好的方法為人人皆有良知,一同杜絕盜版。公眾必須了解到,公眾受惠於著作權品,著作權品推動社會的進步,因此必須有源源不絕之著作權品,而為了使創作者願意再繼續創作,必須打造一個對著作權品安全公平的保護環境。而對於「數位權利管理」之壟斷問題,根據美國政府非常看重之「反壟斷法」,法院必須依照法律準則來判定,即使其壟斷狀況實為對大眾有益,凡是觸犯「反壟斷法」皆無可饒恕。因應科技快速之發展,本論文建議「反壟斷法」應適當調整,且訴訟案件應根據是否對公眾有利來進行判決,不應為了反對壟斷而造成斷送人民利益之機會。本論文亦認為,重點在於大型數位內容產業企業是否有良知,是否將生意看得比公眾的利益還要重要,哪一方在扼殺創作市場,而哪一方才是替公眾的未來鋪路。必須有源源不絕之創作品,公眾社會才會進步,為了達到這個目的,哪一方的決策才是朝此目標發展,亦是法院應重視的情況。在公司利益與公眾利益的對抗下,深陷其中的人民不能忘記初衷:著作權與「數位權利管理」皆是為了「促進科學和實用技藝的進步」,使社會漸漸成為一個創造者、政府、企業、消費者和平共存之世界。


As technology advances, copyrights have been used, not only on physical works of literature and art, but also virtual works via the protective cloak of Digital Rights Management (DRM). Despite its obvious effectiveness and efficiency at times, DRM remains controversial and has generated several outstanding issues, leading to important legal precedents. This thesis discusses two of these issues: (1) DRM cannot fully stop copyright infringement, and (2) Major digital content companies are likely to act in an anti-competitive way when given the benefits of technology such as DRM. To analyze these two issues, this thesis focuses on three cases: A&M Records, Inc. v. Napster, Inc., the Apple iPod iTunes Antitrust Litigation, and United States v. Apple Inc. By analyzing these cases, this thesis is able to arrive at some useful conclusions -- in particular, DRM is unlikely to be the best solution to the problem of copyright infringement for cases involving virtual media. Normally, legal issues surrounding property rights must be adjudicated through the courts by a set legal process. However, the speed of change of technology often makes court rulings problematic and courts do not always make the most efficacious decision. It is crucial for all to be conscientious and fight copyright infringement. It is essential for all to realize that each of us benefit from intellectual works. Intellectual works push society forward, and therefore it is necessary to maintain a fair and safe environment for intellectual property. As for the anti-competitive issue, US court must deal with such behavior based on current laws, whether it is at people’s best interest or not. The thesis suggest however that anti-trust law should be more responsive to changes in technology. When viewing conflicts between society's benefit and the narrower benefit of a single company, the larger benefit should be considered. This is because the purposes of copyright laws and DRM are all for promoting social progress and the arts, so that the society can eventually become a place for creators, governments, enterprises, and consumers to peacefully co-exist.


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