  • 學位論文


The Research about the Factors of the Selling Mortgage Life Insurance

指導教授 : 何佳玲


本研究主要目的是希望透過銷售人員的行銷經驗,試圖找出影響客戶購買房貸壽險的決定因素及公司決策者可以透過哪些因素誘發業務人員的銷售意願,進而增加房貸壽險之銷售績效。本研究採用問卷調查法,以銀行銷售房貸壽險的理財專員及放款人員為問卷對象,進行問卷調查來蒐集資料。 研究結果顯示,已婚客戶比較願意購買房貸壽險,而且如果是由太太決定購買的話,會偏向購買較低保額的保單;教育程度愈高的客戶,會偏向購買低保額的保單;保費愈低客戶購買意願愈高;行銷策略對客戶購買意願及銷售人員的銷售意願都有正向的顯著影響,並且以房貸利率優惠的認同度最高;如果主管愈重視房貸壽險業務,銷售人員在銷售的表現上愈發積極,也會偏向銷售高保額的保單;在各種銷售激勵方式中(旅遊、獎金、記功、學費補助),銷售人員最認同奬金的激勵效果。


Mortgage Life Insurance’s main sales target is consumers with mortgages. The purpose is to provide borrowers with insurance to use to transfer the financial risk of mortgages. The main purpose of the study is to use the marketing experience of the salesperson to try to find out the reasons that affect the customer’s purchase of Mortgage Life Insurance and what factors the company’s decision makers can use to increase the sales willingness of the business staff in order to increase the Mortgage Life Insurance’s sales performance. The results of the study show that customers who are already married are more willing to purchase Mortgage Life Insurance. If the wife decides whether or not to purchase, it will tend to buy the policy of lower insurance amount. Higher education customers tend to buy the policy of lower insurance amount. Customers are more willing to purchase Mortgage Life Insurance when the premium is lower. Marketing strategies have a positive and significant effect on customers’ willingness to purchase insurance and salespersons’ willingness to sell insurance, and the highest degree of mortgage rate discount recognition. If executives pay more attention to business, sales personnel will be more active in the sales performance, and they will also tend to sell the policy of high insurance amount. In various sales incentive methods (travel incentives, bonuses, commendation, tuition allowance), the salesperson most agrees with the bonus incentive effect.


2.李元恕、丁美靜、王郁彬譯(2018)《行銷學》13版,華泰文化。原著Gary Armstrong Philip Kotler, Marketing: An Introduction (2017).
3.李禮仲(2008) ,新金融商品「房貸綁壽險」的風險,消費者報導雜誌第333期。
