  • 學位論文

國中數學及自然科學學習成效、態度和學習模式的決定因素暨性別差異趨勢--以TASA 資料為例

The determinants of mathematics and natural sciences learning performance, attitudes, and learning modes and the trend of gender gap in mathematics and natural sciences outcomes for the 8th grade students--Evidence from TASA

指導教授 : 劉家樺


學生在數學與自然科學上的兩性差異對未來勞動市場的影響一直是一個重要的議題,有鑑於此,本文使用臺灣學生學習成就評量資料庫 (Taiwan Assessment of Student Achievement, 簡稱TASA) 的資料檢視2010年與2013年國二學生數學與自然學習成效、態度、學習模式等三方面的決定因素,並探究男女差異在不同世代間的變化趨勢與縮小男女差異的管道。 實證方法採用一般迴歸分析 (ordinary least squares, 簡稱OLS) 比較男女學生在數學與自然表現的差異,透過女性與年虛擬變數的交乘項,檢視男女差異的變化趨勢。實證結果顯示:(1) 數學成績的男女差異有些微擴大趨勢,自然成績的男女差異呈縮小趨勢。(2) 在學習態度方面,數學態度與自然態度的男女差異均有縮小趨勢。(3) 在數學學習模式中,碰到不會的問題會請教老師或同學,以及考試時遇到沒看過的數學題目會努力分析問題,男女差異均呈擴大趨勢。然而,會將數學應用到其他學科則是呈現男女差異縮小趨勢。(4) 自然學習模式中,會將自然應用到其他學科也呈現男女差異趨勢縮小的狀況,閱讀自然課外讀物則沒有發現男女差異趨勢變化。(5) 學習積極度對男女學生在數學與自然學科的學習成效、態度、學習模式等方面大多有正向顯著的影響。 其次,本文依照男女同學樣本分析男同學和女同學的數學與自然表現的因素,並整理對女性有正向關係且對男性沒有顯著關係的因素作為縮小男女學生在數學、自然學習表現差異的可能管道。結果顯示,如果兩個月後要再做一次類似的測驗,因為希望能進步而願意準備下次測驗、母親教育程度以及師生關係,是縮小男女在數學和自然表現差異的可能因素。


The gender differences in performance of mathematics and natural sciences are important issues to understand the gender difference in the labor market performance. The thesis uses data from the Taiwan Assessment of Student Achievement (TASA) to study the determinants of mathematics as well as natural sciences learning performance, attitudes, and learning modes, respectively, for the 8th grade students in 2010 and 2013. The analyses will focus on the trend of gender differences in learning performance, attitudes, and learning modes between the two 8th grade students, and the likely potential factors for narrowing the gap between boys and girls. The ordinary least squares (OLS) method is used to compare differences in mathematics and natural sciences outcomes between boys and girls. The trend of gender differences in the outcomes is examined by the intersection term between female and year. The results show that: (1) The gender differences in mathematics achievement is slightly widening while the gender gap in natural sciences achievement is narrowing. (2) For the learning attitudes, gender differences in attitudes towards mathematics and natural sciences tend to shrink. (3) In the analyses of mathematics learning modes, “asking teachers or classmates when they had difficulty in solving questions” as well as “trying to analyze problems when facing unfamiliar questions”, the gender differences in these two modes are expanding. Nevertheless, applying the math knowledge to other subjects reveals the reverse pattern. The gender difference in this mode is narrowing. (4) In the analyses of natural sciences learning modes, the gender difference in the mode of “applying natural sciences to other disciplines” is shrinking whereas the gender difference in the mode of “reading natural sciences related extracurricular books” remains the same. (5) Enthusiasm to learning mostly is positively related to learning performance, attitudes, and learning modes of mathematics and natural sciences for boys and girls. In addition, this thesis re-examines the analyses by both genders, and sorts out the factors that have a positive relationship with girls’ outcome but no such significant relationship with boys’ as a likely factor that reduced the gender gap performance in mathematics and natural sciences. Results indicate that willingness to prepare for the next similar test in the hope of improving after two months, mother's education level, and relationship between teachers and students are likely factors to narrow the gender gap performance in mathematics and natural sciences.


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