  • 學位論文


A study on the optimal deployment of RFID readers in an airport luggage conveyor system

指導教授 : 邱顯明


RFID(Radio Frequency Identification)無線射頻技術由於其可快速讀取、可一次讀取多個標籤以及可存儲資料等功能,近年來在各方面之應用越來越普及,於機場行李方面,許多國家已相繼開始相關之研究,並且實際開始做小規模測試,本研究主要探討機場行李輸送帶於導入RFID技術後之最佳化讀取器設置位置,以期達到全域監控所有行李,不只在運送行李的處理速度方面能更為快捷,於安全方面也將大大提升,能有效減少有問題之行李,以及確保不會有無人認領之行李上飛機。 以往之研究多只在幾處行李通關口架設讀取器,未能達到全域監控之效果,為確保行李是否有在正常在輸送帶軌道中運行,監控過程中有無行李被帶離輸送帶軌道之情形,保障旅客行李不會有丟失顧慮,且航空業者因作業問題常常有旅客托運行李時忘記將行李內之必要物品拿出,或是有旅客因通關問題造成無法出境,往往在行李已進入輸送帶系統中時,需立即尋獲其行李將其拉出,需要許多人力去尋找整個行李輸送帶系統,甚至需要到飛機上將行李拉出,因此,基於以上條件本研究希望能建置將整個場站覆蓋於讀取器讀取範圍內,同時行李輸送帶由特定讀取器覆蓋,能區分出輸送帶軌道上運行之行李與脫離輸送帶之行李位置。期能利用RFID技術達到能加快行李處理速度,更能夠全程監控行李運行及得到即時的行李位置及其資訊。 然而讀取器的設置並非越多越密集越好,讀取器之間太過密集,將會造成互相干擾的情形發生,也就是說兩個讀取器之間必須保持一定距離才不會彼此干擾,因此,在最佳化設置的條件裡面必須加入讀取器干擾最小之目標式和最大讀取覆蓋率一同做討論,才能得到最佳的讀取率以及其設置位置,其目標之間彼此無法兩全,需取一折衷最佳解,本研究將使用模糊多目標規劃方法將多目標化為單一目標計算,再使用粒子群演算法求解其最佳化設置區位,依此方式針對不同場站環境做演算皆能尋求出最佳化設置區位,將所得結果做敏感度分析得到:當讀取半徑較大時能有較佳的結果,但無法得到準確標籤區位;而讀取半徑較小時需要架設較多讀取器才能達到全域監控目的,且結果較差,但能達到相對較準確之標籤區位。


With the capabilities of quick reading, multiple tags reading and data storage, the RFID technology has been used in various fields and become widespread applications in recent years. In the case of the airport baggage system, many countries have begun to have explored the application of this technology in various aspects of the luggage system. The purpose of this study is to identify the optimal allocation of the RFID position in the airport luggage system such as to achieve a full field monitoring in the luggage system. With the application of the RFID setting in luggage system, the process speed of luggage can be increased, the luggage security can be improved and mishandle of the luggage can be reduced. Based on the review of the previous related studies, most studies focused on the setting up the RFID readers in luggage crossings checking rather than full field monitoring in the luggage system. However, the monitoring the luggage delivery process and the prevention of the baggage loses are quite important issues in the baggage conveyor system. Furthermore, the speed and right delivery of the baggage is a crucial factor of the operation efficiencies for the airline industry and airport agencies. Therefore, to develop an efficient luggage control system with the application of the RFID technology is the major focus of this study. The allocation of the RFID technology should consider the minimization of the signal interfere and the maximization of the reading rate which are two conflict factors in the system. Therefore, a multiple objective mathematical model is developed for the problem addressed in this study. The fuzzy multi-objective approach is used to transfer multiple objective problem into a single objective problem. A solution procedure based on the Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm is adopted to find optimal allocation of the reader system. Several different cases were used to test the capabilities of the proposed solution procedure with solid results. A series of sensitivity analysis were conducted to test the validation of the model and the identification of the major affection factors. Based on the test results, the proposed procedure can provide valid results. The results of case studies indicates that although the application of the larger reading radius can be cost saving but with poor accuracy in the tag reading. While the using of a small reading radius can results in more reader usage with more accurate allocation of the tags.


