  • 學位論文


Production and Marketing Strategies of Chilean Wine:A case study on China

指導教授 : 林欽明


智利境內擁有地中海型氣候帶,這種氣候類型有利於發展種植葡萄,西邊為太平洋,右邊為安地斯山脈的地理條件能夠隔絕病蟲害,在氣候與地理條件的雙重條件下,奠定智利發展葡萄酒產業的基礎。該產業受限於智利政府的政策,遲至1970年代末期才開始接觸國際市場,那時其他的葡萄酒生產國(歐美生產者)早已接觸到國際市場,智利屬於國際市場的後來者。 科特勒認為一個國家若能積極行銷自我的形象,就能替國家累積財富。由於傳統的葡萄酒消費者的消費量已趨於穩定,各國生產者紛紛尋找新興消費市場,其中中國因為廣大的人口被視為最具有成長潛力的國家。但是中國人購買葡萄酒時,一向重視商品的原產地,若智利葡萄酒欲拓展對中國的出口時,塑造優質的國家形象為重要的策略之一。再來,除了迎合消費者的需求之外,當智利出口葡萄酒至中國時,也將遭遇到關稅與非關稅障礙。 因此本論文將檢視智利政府的官方組織ProChile和CORCO如何制定策略塑造智利優質的國家形象以促進出口,及如何輔助國內的生產者接軌至國際葡萄酒市場。特別是針對中國市場時,智利政府如何幫助國內的生產者克服對中國出口的障礙。


The Mediterranean climate zones in Chile is beneficial for growth of grapes. The Pacific Ocean and the Andes Mountain keep Chilean Wine Industry from blight. Thus it can be seen, Chile owns the potential that can develop wine industry. Before the era of 1970, Chilean wine industry was restricted by policies of Chilean government. In the end of 1870,Chilean wine industry began to expand exportation. But other wine production country had existed in the international market, Chile is a follower in this field. Philip Kolter thinks that if a country could contain wealth by shape the image of country. Volume of traditional wine consumers tend to be limited, so that many wine producer want to seek new market. Due to large population, China is becoming an important market. The characteristic of Chinese wine consumer is emphasizing the country of origin. When increasing wine exportation in China, Chile wine producers must overcome the problem of country images, tariff barriers and non-tariff barriers. There are official organizations for promoting exportation(ProChile and CORFO)in Chile. This study will see the two organizations how to establish strategies to make Chilean wine more famous in international market, especially for China market.


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