  • 學位論文


The determinants of service experience and service value in O2O commerce

指導教授 : 解燕豪


研究生:邱筱軒 指導教授:解燕豪 論文提要內容: 網路和行動通訊技術的快速發展推動了電子商務,使得在交易規模及創新商業模式有新的突破,紛紛讓傳統零售商開始發展線上虛擬通路,多通路行銷也逐漸活躍於全球。O2O(Online to Offline ;O2O電子商務模式)是新型態的商務模式,並具有很好的應用前景。O2O電子商務模式使企業能夠提供消費者獨特的消費體驗,增加消費者二次購買的機會。因此,如何提供適當的消費者體驗是一個相當值得探討的問題。然而,O2O電子商務模式不同於傳統商業模式或是網路商店,有許多額外的因素需要討論,這使得企業不易設計與提供令顧客滿意的消費體驗。 為消費者提供良好的O2O心流體驗(O2O flow experience)已經成為企業們提高競爭優勢、攫取市場利潤的制勝關鍵。本研究建構理論去探討各個影響消費者在O2O電子商務平台服務體驗的關鍵因素。而O2O價值(O2O value)是透過與消費者的互動形成的,而非企業本身就能完成,其所感受到的O2O心流體驗不僅與電商行為模式有關,也受到消費者涉入程度影響。因此本論文也利用分析消費者涉入程度與消費者體驗的關係,更深入的將影響O2O心流體驗的關鍵因素進行量化,協助企業有效分配並傳遞最高品質的服務。為了進行資料驗證與統計,本研究總共回收310份有效樣本,檢定結果顯示服務互動與企業無形貢獻對於提升消費者體驗有顯著的正向影響。根據本研究結果可為企業提供增加消費者體驗的方向與建議。


顧客體驗 O2O 心流 電子商務 服務互動


Nowadays, O2O commerce has gradually become an important commerce type of electronic commerce. O2O commerce environments can be considered a service system that customers can perceive unique experiences from enterprises. Delivering appropriate customer experiences should be an important topic. However, it is different from traditional businesses and online stores. It will be difficult for enterprises to design and offer satisfactory customer experiences to their customers since there are lots of concerns and factors needed to take into account carefully. This study is to build a theoretical model by analyzing and recognizing the critical factors in order to ensure customers to have high quality O2O customer experiences. Besides, this study also discusses the corelation between consumer involvement and customer experience. A total of 310 valid questionnaires were collected. Consequenetly, this study found that service interaction and service convenience have a significantly and positively impact on customer experience in O2O commerce contexts.


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