  • 學位論文

運用Mobile P2P技術建構在Android平台上之家人安全監控研究

Using Mobile Peer-to-Peer skills to develop a Security System for Family members on Android

指導教授 : 葛煥昭


科技日新月異的發展及快速變遷,在網路化與行動化的生活中,新世代族群對於手機的依賴性大幅提升,造就了手機將比電腦更適合做為資訊傳播的媒介。有鑑於此,本論文將利用Google Maps與全球定位系統,配合手機之MP2P (Mobile Point-to-Point)的特性,在Android手機平台上實作及建構家人安全監控的應用。   『家人安全監護軟體』是一個適用於普羅大眾的應用服務程式,它整合訊息傳輸機制、全球定位系統與運用Google近來所推出的Android手機平台,發展成為一個多元化的應用服務程式。藉由這項應用服務,無論是家中年邁長輩外出、小孩上學、放學的過程,以及行動不便或是身心障礙的家人也都可以利用『家人安全監護軟體』來守護他們,『家人安全監護軟體』將可預防家中長輩與小孩走失、縮短家人若遺失時所需耗費的尋找時間,且能避免意外狀況發生後手足無措的種種情況。   本研究希望『家人安全監護軟體』能幫助監護者,不需要時時掛心於家中的老年人及小孩是否在外出的過程中安全與否,更希望能因此而促進家人彼此之間的關懷與互動。若在家人真的發生不幸遺失的狀況時,也能即時的得到「被監護者」的位置資訊,更能幫助「被監護者」在黃金時間內被尋獲。讓監護者不需要每天提心吊膽的生活,所以更能提高家人彼此間的生活品質。 在未來我們更希望『家人安全監護軟體』能與居家環境中的家庭安全監控系統做整合,不但要讓系統彼此間的訊息能夠傳遞交流,也能達到平台間多元化的資訊整合。


Technology develops and changes with each passing day rapidly. In such a mobile life with Internet, the new generation has relied on mobile phones tremendously. Hence, a mobile phone will be a more appropriate medium for information communication better than a computer. In view of this, Google Maps and Global Positioning System (GPS) were utilized in this study, plus the property of MP2P on mobile phones, to implement and construct the application of Security System for Family Members based on Android. The software “Security System for Family Members” is an application service program widely feasible for the public. By integrating message transmission mechanisms and GPS, and by utilizing the “Android” launched by Google recently, it has evolved into a diversified application service program. Through such an application service, we can guard our family members, especially the disabled or handicapped ones, by applying this software “Security System for Family Members” to the processes in which the elders are going out or children are going to school and returning home from school, and so on. This software “Security System for Family Members” is able to prevent elders and children from wandering away, and reduce the time spent on looking for missing family members if they get lost. Also, it can prevent the panic situation due to the occurrence of any accident.


Android GPS Google Maps MP2P


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