  • 學位論文


Design and Implementation of Smartphone-Based Children's Care System

指導教授 : 陳士農 黃玉臺


隨著科技日新月異的變遷及發展,手機不再單純只有通訊功能,從撥接電話到商務人士所使用的PDA,進而轉變為現在的智慧型手機,在網路資訊的發達與智慧型手機的漸漸普及之下,使得各式各樣的附加功能也隨之發展。由於硬體設備的進步,手機體機逐漸縮小,運算能力逐漸強大,此外更內建多樣化功能,如照相機、視訊攝影機、GPS定位、3G/Wi-Fi網路等。商務人士使用智慧型手機收發信件、透過視訊進行會議,讓自己隨時可以掌握商業資訊;旅客使用智慧型手機,可以利用內建GPS定位得知相關旅遊訊息與路徑,讓旅遊資訊不受限;年輕人使用智慧型手機玩遊戲、聽音樂與看影片等。這些以前可能都需要透過電腦或者是筆記型電腦才可以做到,但即使是筆記型電腦,體機還是過於龐大,加上使用時間無法像手機這麼長,而智慧型手機解決了這些困擾,並且達到上述所說的功能。 本研究提出一個以智慧型手機為基礎之幼兒關懷系統,此系統透過手機定時拍攝照片,可記錄幼兒在平時生活上的點滴,其中有著許多家長看不到的畫面,當家長無法陪伴在孩子左右時,藉由拍攝的照片讓家長得知幼兒情況。加上GPS定位功能,讓幼兒無論是在與父母出遊、校園安全、甚至是現今許多鑰匙兒童最被擔心的安全問題,都可迎刃而解。讓幼兒走失時可以於黃金時間內得知地點與路徑,或是幼童在學習獨立出遊時,父母也無須擔心是否未抵達目的地。 運用智慧型手機所具備的多種硬體功能,搭配Google Maps,利用手機照相功能使得相片帶有GPS定位資訊,將此具GPS定位資訊的照片應用做為主軸,藉由網路雲端傳送下,讓家長可以透過電腦或手機,即時得知幼童生活相關訊息,並利用GPS定位開發如「範圍通知」、「抵達通報」、「距離偵測」等幼兒關懷功能。


As human technologies advanced with time, communication devices had evolved from traditional dial phones to PDAs (Personal Digital Assistant) and finally to Smartphone. Cell phones nowadays are no longer only used for communication, different kinds of applications had been developed due to the popularization of Smartphone and the prospering internet. The size of hardware had been amazingly reduced to tiny little parts, but the functions had been relatively getting stronger and stronger, many built-in functions such as camera, GPS and internet etc. had made life a lot easier, these valuable functions can be easily accessed at any places, where information can momentarily approached at any period of time. Instead of going to the stock market, a businessman can easily gain access to the stock prices simply by only using his phone; a traveler can also locate where he wants to go only by clicking on his cell phone; teenagers nowadays are using phone to play games, listen to music and watch movies. Thanks to advanced technology, these wonderful functions which once only can be done on computer are now transplanted onto cell phones. This research studies about making a baby take-caring system based on Smartphone applications, it is an automatic system that records what a baby does every day by taking pictures at fixed periods of time. Parents can access these picture anytime on their phones when they are at work to see what their baby is doing. To avoid dangerous situations, a GPS can be added-on to the system so that parent can instantaneously watch over their baby. Many different built-in functions on a Smartphone were being used in this research, we combined the functions of Google Maps and phone camera to make digital pictures with GPS information, these digital picture are then uploaded onto the Clouds so that it can be downloaded at anytime and anywhere. By using the cloud computing technology, different valuable functions can be developed to improve the baby take-caring system to make it more reliable.


Smartphone GPS Google Maps child care


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