  • 學位論文


A Study of Impact on Store Atmosphere to Consumer Emotions,Consumer Satisfaction,and Behavioral Intention:A Case Study of Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Xinyi Place

指導教授 : 黃志文


近四年百貨公司的年營業額在綜合商品零售業裡面為最高,顯示百貨公司在零售業中的重要性。台灣百貨業林立,各家百貨爭奇鬥艷要在競爭激烈的行業拚出一片天著實困難。Baker, Levy and Grewal( 1992) 當零售業者在商品、價格、促銷和通路上難取得優勢時,商店本身為市場差異化的機會。 本研究將商店氣氛分為周圍因素、設計因素、社會因素三構面以此三構面影響消費者情緒,消費者情緒接著影響到顧客滿意度,顧客滿意度再接著影響行為意向,以及三構面分別對行為意向的影響。研究對象為有工作經驗者並去過信義區新光三越者為主,以結構方程模式來做資料分析。 研究結論為:1. 新光三越信義新天地的商店氣氛能成功影響消費者情緒:根據資料分析發現,新光三越信義新天地的商店氣氛不論是周圍因素、設計因素、社會因素都對消費者情緒有正面且顯著影響。2. 新光三越信義新天地的商店氣氛對於行為意向無直接影響,但是能透過消費者情緒、顧客滿意度有間接影響。3. 成功建立商店氣氛、消費者情緒、顧客滿意度、行為意向之關聯模式:經資料分析結果,本研究的新光三越信義新天地的商店氣氛(周圍因素、設計因素、社會因素)都能影響消費者情緒並進而影響顧客滿意度和行為意向。 關鍵字:商店氣氛;消費者情緒;顧客滿意度;行為意向;新光三越


In recent four years the annual sales in department stores are the highest in the retail industries which show the important of department stores in the retail industries. In Taiwan , the competition of department stores are so intense that it is hard to survive in the industry. Baker, Levy and Grewal( 1992) discovered that when it is hard to get advantage in product, price, promotion and place, the store itself is the chance to stand out in the market. This research applies “ambient,” “design” and “social” factors as the dimension of store atmosphere, to affect consumer emotions、consumer satisfaction and behavioral intention and how the three dimension of store atmosphere can affect behavioral intention. The subjects of this research are people who have work experience and had been to Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Xinyi Place. This research use SEM (structural equation model) to analyze data. The conclusions are as follow: 1. Store atmosphere in Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Xinyi Place directly and significantly affects customer emotion. According to the data the three dimensions of store atmosphere can successfully affect customer emotion. 2. Store atmosphere in Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Xinyi Place can’t directly affect behavioral intention however, through customer emotion and customer satisfaction can indirectly affect behavioral intention. 3. The correlations between store atmosphere, customer emotion, customer satisfaction and behavioral intention are verified. According to this research store atmosphere in Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Xinyi Place can successfully affect consumer emotions, consumer satisfaction, and behavioral intention.


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