  • 學位論文

探討消費者資訊豐富度對不同購買通路之購物意願 模式研究—以大學生選購3C產品為例

A Study Of Consumers’ Information Richness And The Purchase Intention In Different Retailing Channels – A Case Study Of Undergraduate Students Purchase 3C Products

指導教授 : 温博仕


在網際網路與電視媒體發達的今日,人們獲得產品資訊的管道已不僅僅侷限在傳統商店這個範圍,如何提供有效的資訊來滿足顧客的需求是現今購物商店業者所必須重視的課題。 本研究以94學年度淡江大學日間部學生做為研究對象,觀察學生選購3C產品時,在傳統與虛擬(網路與電視)的購物通路中,消費者資訊豐富度對購買通路之購物意願的影響。本研究的資訊豐富度是由交易安全性、商店聲譽、推薦資訊、產品資訊以及行銷刺激五個變項所組成,經由知覺風險與信任兩中介變項影響消費者的購物意願,透過LISREL分析,建構出適合各購物通路購物意願之結構模式。 經由分析結果顯示,沒有網路購物經驗的學生,透過平時瀏覽購物網站所接受的各種資訊,對於網路購物通路商店所採取的廣告與促銷優惠,或者外來提供的推薦資訊其接受資訊的程度比沒有瀏覽購物網站的人還要高,如此會使這部分的人有更高的網路購物意願;而對於沒有電視購物經驗的學生,隨著平時有觀看電視購物頻道的習慣,這些人心中對電視購物通路業者的商譽會產生更好的印象,而外來所提供的推薦資訊以及業者所提供廣告與促銷優惠也會增加這部份人的購物意願。不論是在網路、電視或傳統購物通路中,店家的商店聲譽、所展示的產品資訊以及店家所推出的行銷刺激,皆會增加消費者對此商家的信任,進而提高在此商家的購物意願。消費者在網路商店購買產品時,對商家所提供的交易安全機制是感到重視的;而在傳統購物通路商店中,消費者對商家所採用的交易安全機制會讓消費者的知覺風險降低,進而增加消費者在傳統商店的購物意願。本研究發現,不論是在傳統、電視或網路購物通路模式之下,消費者資訊豐富度的各變項中,行銷刺激變項對購物意願的關係皆呈現最大的影響效果。


In the former times, people would go to stores in order to access product information; however, these days, people do not approach this method anymore due to the advent of internet, TV, or other media medium. In this aspect, management of mail order companies must face the problem of how to offer good product information in order to fully satisfy consumers’ demand. The basis of this research work was conducted base on Tamkang University daytime students’ class of 2006; base on the criteria of how it influenced consumers of either to purchase in traditional stores or internet / TV shopping, after they obtained valuable product information. The five variables in judging valuable product information were: security, store reputation, product information, marketing stimulus. These five variables influenced or affected consumers’ trust and perceived risk in the said purchasing intentions. The study used LISREL software to construct a Structural Equation Modeling in order to distinguish consumers’ purchasing intention in different retailing channels. In analyzing the result concluded that students who have no experience usually browse on internet to get product information; and the said internet shopping advertisement, marketing discount and recommended information usually affect their purchase intentions compared to those who does not browse the internet. Regarding TV shopping purchase: for those who never purchase on TV, but still they had a favorable attitude in viewing such TV shopping channels. However, the influence of TV shopping advertisement, sales discount and recommended information is limited compared to those who had the experience in TV shopping. Nevertheless, either in internet, TV or direct store purchase, it is the store reputation, product information, marketing stimulus that influence consumers’ trust toward purchase intentions. To consumers who does internet purchase normally attach importance on store security aspect that influence his in purchase intentions. Consumers are influenced to approach traditional stores and do their direct purchase which would lower the perceived risk which encourages his purchase intentions. Among the five variables, marketing stimulus is the number one aspect that highly influence consumers purchase intention either to purchase in TV shopping, internet shopping or purchase in traditional stores.


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黃梅雯(2008)。觸覺體驗式產品於網路銷售可行性之研究 -以品牌知名度與網站信任為干擾變數〔碩士論文,崑山科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0025-1006200816440400
