  • 學位論文

觸覺體驗式產品於網路銷售可行性之研究 -以品牌知名度與網站信任為干擾變數

The Feasibility of Tactual Experiential Products Sell on Internet Market: The Moderating Role of Brand Awareness and Internet Trust.

指導教授 : 楊宗欣


網際網路的蓬勃發展,為企業及顧客提供一種全新的交易模式-網路購物。網路購物儼然己經成為我們的消費趨勢。而Schmitt於1999年提出體驗行銷之論點,其論點是將焦點放在顧客體驗上。因此,需要消費者親自觸覺體驗的產品(例如:衣服、內衣、鞋子等)是否適合於網路銷售?本研究以體驗行銷中-觸覺體驗商品為研究主體加入品牌知名度及網站信任程度為干擾變數以探討對消費者購買意願影響程度為何?以作為理論與實務經營上的參考。 本研究以2×2×2(產品觸覺體驗程度×品牌知名程度×網站信任程度)之實驗設計,以及ANOVA分析方法,進行實證驗證。本研究之研究結論如下: (一) 產品觸覺體驗程度對於消費者在網路購物意願有顯著影響。消費者在進行網路購物時,會因為產品觸覺體驗程度不同而影響在網站購物的意願。亦即,消費者對於本研究中屬於觸覺體驗程度高的產品(鞋子),以及屬於觸覺體驗程度低的產品(包包),在網站購買的意願是不同的。 (二) 品牌知名度對於消費者在網路購物意願有顯著影響。即消費者在網站購物時,產品的品牌知名度是考慮的因素之一。 (三) 消費者對於網站的信任程度,會影響消費者在網路購物之意願。此結果顯示,消費者在網站信任度高的網站(Yahoo奇摩網站)及網站信任度低的網站(酷樂mall網路商店),其購買的意願是有所差異的。 (四) 產品觸覺體驗程度會受品牌知名度不同的干擾,而影響於網路購物的意願。當觸覺體驗程度高的產品(鞋子)與觸覺體驗程度低的產品(包包),會因為品牌知名度的高低而影響消費者於網路購物的意願。 (五) 產品觸覺體驗程度會受網站信任度不同的干擾,而影響於網路購物的意願。當觸覺體驗程度高的產品(鞋子)與觸覺體驗程度低的產品(包包),會因為網站信任度不同而影響消費者於網路購物的意願。 (六) 產品觸覺體驗程度同時會受品牌知名度與網站信任度不同的干擾,而影響於網路購物的意願。


The diffusion of the Internet has developed, the Internet shopping becomes a new trade.The Internet shopping was become deservedly our consumer trend. The experiential marketing was advanced by Schmitt (1999), and the focus of this study is on the customer’s experiences. Therefore, is the product suitable sold on the internet that the consumers need to touch and experience?(for example: clothes、bra、shoes ..) Based on the extension of the tactual goods by the experiential marketing, the study puts brand awareness, the website trust to explore the effects on purchase intention. The result was provided for the administration. A 2( product tactual: high product tactual / low product tactual) × 2(brand awareness: high brand awareness / low brand awareness) × 2(website trust: high website trust / low website trust) factorial design was used to test the hypotheses. Data were analyzed using ANOVA to verify the hypotheses that presented in this study, the following point have been concluded: 1. Product tactual had impact on purchase intention. The consumer will have different purchase intention on different product tactual. Namely, the consumer has different purchase intention on the high product tactual (shoes) and low product tactual (bag).2. Brand awareness had impact on purchase intention. That is to say, brand awareness is the consider point when the consumer on the Internet shopping.3. website trust had impact on purchase intention. The result shows: The consumer will have different purchase intention on the high website trust and low website trust.4. There is product tactual affection brand awareness, and it had impact on purchase intention.The high product tactual product and the low product tactual product were effected purchase intention by high brand awareness and low brand awareness.5. There is product tactual affection website trust, and it had impact on purchase intention.The high product tactual product and the low product tactual product were effected purchase intention by high website trust and low website trust.6. There is product tactual affection between brand awareness and website trust, and it had impact on purchase intention.


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