  • 學位論文


The Study of relationship between Product Replacement in Application Advertising of Social Networking Services and Brand Awareness—mediated by the state of Flow.

指導教授 : 黃哲盛
共同指導教授 : 謝志柔(Chih-jou Hsieh)


2009年,新興媒體興起,社交網路服務網站(Social Network Services;SNSs)– 「Facebook」成為熱門話題。波仕特線上市調公司進行網路民調,發現使用 「Facebook」的受訪者比例高達八成五,儼然形成一種無可避免的趨勢。 此外,許多第三方軟體商也紛紛透過Facebook API開發應用程式,像是著名的開 心農場、餐城等。搭載智慧手機盛行,未來應用程式也會愈趨多元、成熟,造就應 用程式新經濟(Application Economy),產生結合應用程式(Application)與廣告 (Advertising)的詞彙(Appvertising)。因此本研究欲將產品置入於社交網站中的應用 程式來探討使用者的品牌知覺效果,並以網路沈浸程度為本研究之中介變數。 研究發現,產品置入型式會影響品牌知覺,以顯著式產品置入效果最佳,與產 品置入的整合性與否無關。產品置入型式也會影響網路沈浸程度,其中以顯著式產 品置入最能影響網路沈浸程度。而網路沈浸程度不同亦會影響品牌知覺,並呈現反 向關係,低網路沈浸程度者對所察覺到的品牌知覺較高。最後,網路沈浸程度能部 份作為產品置入型式與品牌知覺間的中介變數,在顯著式產品置入情形下,網路沈 浸程度的中介效果存在,而在隱含式產品置入情形下,網路沈浸程度的中介效果不 存在。 這樣的研究結果,提供相關業者未來欲將產品置入於應用程式時,可依據不同 產品置入型式及不同網路沈浸程度使用者,制定行銷策略。


2009, with the rise of new media, social networking services website, like "Facebook", has become a hot topic. In addition, many third-party software companies have also developed applications through the Facebook API, such as Happy Farm. Smart phones equipped with entertaining applications will also become increasingly mature. Therefore, the Application Economy generated a term ”Appvertising”, meaning application combine advertising. In this way, the study for setting product placement types in the application of social networking sites to explore the effect of user's Brand Awareness. Study found that different product placement types will affect the Brand Awareness. The effect of Prominent Product Placement is more than Subtle Product Placement, and irrelevant to the level of integration. Product placement type will also affect the degree of Flow, in which the most significant impact of Prominent Product Placement. The degree of Flow will also affect user’s Brand Awareness, and has a negative relationship. Finally, the degree of Flow can be part of the mediator of the Product Placement type and Brand Awareness. In the case of Prominent Product Placement, the degree of Flow can be a mediator to user’s Brand Awareness; in the case of Subtle Product Placement, the degree of Flow can not be a mediator to user’s Brand Awareness. Such those findings, providing a firm the direction about product placement in application, can be according to different products placement types and the degree of Flow to develop marketing strategies.


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