  • 學位論文


Intelligence Collection in R.O.C. Military Anti-espionage Works

指導教授 : 黃介正


「沒有安全就沒有一切」,世界各國無不極力的對國家及國防之安全為護工作,盡最大的力量。防諜工作為確保國家安全之重要情報作為之一。自古兵機貴於密,保守軍事秘密事務,直接關係到軍隊的生存與發展、戰爭的勝利與失敗,必須慎之又慎,故在國際社會中的間諜竊密活動,並不因和戰情勢發展與敵友關係之轉換而有所舒緩,是一場永不停止的無形戰爭。 隨著兩岸交流日益熱絡,諸多開放及合作政策下,是否仍有對岸情治機構個人員伺機吸收我國或國軍人員以各種方式獲取攸關我國家安全之重要機密,仍須深入觀察。緣此,為進一步探討共諜在臺從事情報活動之策略、範圍以及影響,從近年來我國所偵破之共諜案例中加以分析整理,探究共諜案發生之原因。 本文第一章為緒論部分,內容包括研究動機與目的、研究方法與架構、文獻探討與研究限制、相關名詞之解釋與內涵;第二章:國軍防諜機制與情報蒐集工作,內容包括國軍防諜組織變革、國軍防諜工作概述、情報蒐集規範與方式;第三章:近年國軍共諜案例分析,內容包括中共間諜滲透及吸收之模式、近年破獲國軍共諜案之案例概述、共諜案例特性分析;第四章:國軍防諜之情報蒐集工作檢討及策進,內容包括國軍防諜問題之探討、現行情報蒐集工作面臨之挑戰、未來情報蒐集工作之策進;第五章:為結論部分,內容包含了研究心得與研究建議。 本研究期能藉由相關論文、書籍及網路等資料及資訊,瞭解、歸納我國及國軍現行防諜工作之情報蒐集法源依據、機制及作法,以符合依法行政原則,另經由我國及國軍近年來發生之重大共諜案件加以分析整理,進而瞭解發生共諜案之因素,並找出國軍現行防諜工作之情報蒐集機制上之問題。


情報 反情報 防諜 情報蒐集


“Security is of foremost and utmost importance”. Every country in the world will do whatever it takes to safeguard its country and intelligence. Anti-espionage is an important intelligence act to ensure a country’s security. From ancient times, intelligence has been confidential. Keeping military secret directly relates to a force’s existence and development and a war’s victory or defeat. Therefore, it must be extremely careful. Despite this, spy activity around the world is not easing up because of situation development and enemy-friend relation change. It is a never-ceasing invisible war. Exchange between Taiwan and China is increasingly becoming vibrant. With so many open and cooperation policies, is it possible that Chinese intelligence personnel would find any opportunity to induct Taiwanese or Taiwan’s military personnel and obtain important secrets related to Taiwan’s security? This remains to be seen. As such, in order to further discuss the strategy, scope and effects of Communist spies engaging in intelligence activity, we will analyze Communist spy cases which have been cracked down by Taiwan in recent years. Moreover, we will discuss the reasons why they took place. Chapter 1 is an introduction, including motivation and purpose, research method and structure, literature review and research limits, explanation and implication of related terms. Chapter 2 covers military anti-espionage mechanism and intelligence gathering, including change of the military anti-espionage agency, brief view of military anti-espionage task, intelligence gathering regulations and methods. Chapter 3 offers an analysis on spy cases in the Taiwan military in recent years, including pattern of infiltration and induction by Communist spies, overview of spy cases in the Taiwan military that have been cracked down in recent years, analysis on characteristics of spy cases. Chapter 4 contains a work review and planning of intelligence gathering by the Taiwan military anti-espionage agency, including discussion of anti-espionage problem in the Taiwan military, challenges that faces the current intelligence gathering task, planning of intelligence gathering task in the future. Chapter 5 is a conclusion, including reflection on the research and suggestions. This study attempts to, through related theses, books, the Internet, etc., understand and generalize references, mechanism and approach of intelligence gathering laws related to Taiwan’s and the military’s existing anti-espionage task, in order to conform to law and regulation. Besides, we will analyze key spy cases which have taken places in Taiwan and the military in recent years. The purpose is to understand the cause behind these spy cases. Finally, we will identify problems related to the intelligence gathering mechanism of the military’s existing anti-espionage task.


