  • 學位論文


Diffusion of Mobile Learning Devices in Teaching—A Case Study in a Private Elementary School

指導教授 : 徐加玲


隨著網路的普及、無線網路的布建以及行動載具技術的提升,讓大家對資訊的取得更為方便且不受限制。因此,結合數位資訊與行動概念的「行動學習(M-learning)」便隨之誕生。本研究將行動學習視為教學創新的方法,結合數位學習與行動科技的特點,利用行動載具與無線網路,突破了時間與空間的限制,隨時隨地都可以進行學習,並且也能夠與同儕和教師之間進行即時性的互動。 本研究希望能針對學校在進行行動學習研究時,在行政團隊的規畫、教師的課程設計與教學方法,以及學生的學習成效來進行了解。並針對實驗後學生的表現進行分析,評估進行過行動學習後學生是否有所改變。藉以作為後續其他學校要進行行動學習實驗時的參考,以及教學設計時的範例。 本研究結果如下: 一、學校在推動行動學習方案時,行政團隊在規畫上需要考慮人、事、物三方面的整合,進行專業分工。 二、行動學習具有行動性、便利性、立即性等特點,因此改變了教師教學的模式,同時也創新了教學方法。 三、根據教學的需要,結合各種適合的APP,讓教學更有意義。 四、學生在接受行動學習方案後,在學習興趣與學習態度上有很大的提升,但學習成效上未有明顯差異。


With the popularity of the Internet, the progressively extend of the wireless network and the enhance of the mobile devices technology. Let everyone can catch the information convenient and unlimited. For this reason, the concept of mobile learning (M-learning) has produced that combines the both meanings of digital information and mobile. In this study, the mobile learning will be as the way of innovation instruction, combine with the characteristics of E-learning and mobile technology together, and use the mobile devices and wireless network which can break the limitation of time and space to learning anywhere and all the time, all in all, it can interactive between teachers and peers instantly This study aims to understand when the mobile learning implements in the school, the planning of executive team, teachers’ instruction design and students’ learning efficiency has changed or not. And it aims to analysis the students who has experimented by mobile learning to evaluate their performance has changed or not. By showing this example can let other schools reference this result to implement the mobile learning experiment and instruction design. 1.When the School is promoting the project of mobile learning, the planning of executive team need to considerate of the integration of three aspects among people, things, and objects to be division of specialization. 2.The mobile learning has the characteristics of mobility, convenience, immediate and the other, so, it not only changes the mode of teacher’s teaching, but also innovatives the methods of instruction . 3.According to the needs of teaching, combined with many varieties of suitable APPs,it makes the teaching become more meaningful. 4.After the students receive the project of mobile learning, altough their learning interests and learning attitude have improved greatly, their learning efficiency has no differences significantly.


宋曜廷、張國恩、于文正(2006)。行動載具在博物館學習的應用:促進「一人 一機」互動的設計。博物館學季刊,21(1),17-33。


