  • 學位論文


A Study of Long-term Care Insurance Operation in Life Insurance

指導教授 : 廖述源


近幾年來,隨著少子化、老年人口比率激增、人口高齡化、我國身心功能障礙人口也同步快速增加之中,國民的健康型態亦隨之轉變為慢性病與慢性功能障礙盛行的時代、小家庭制度普遍取代大家庭制度,以及婦女勞動參與率提高,這些社會結構改變使得長期照顧制度成為現代重要的課題,長期照顧的需求將因而快速成長,成為我國今後最重要的社會福利與衛生議題之一,所以如何因應長期照顧的需求,儼然已成為整體社會極待解決的問題。 然而,在現今國家財政預算有限的情況下,政府提供的社會型長期照顧保險制度,勢必無法滿足國人照顧服務需求的「質」與「量」,再加上國人對於長期照顧保險認同度普遍不足,以至於當需要長期照顧時,必須花費龐大的照顧費用,影響家庭生活品質與經濟。藉由商業保險來補足社會保險保障之缺口,如此不但能減少未來社會福利的支出,並能減輕個人家庭的經濟負擔,並促使台灣在長期照顧保險市場有健全的發展。 本研究首先觀察已實施社會型長期照顧保險的德、日、美三國,了解各國政府提供長期照顧服務的基本保障範圍,其次透過了解我國商業型長期照顧保險的發展現況與困境以及參考過內外學者的研究經驗,並了解到截至2015年,我國目前有10家壽險公司推出商業長期照顧保險,是近年來保險公司因應社會需求而推廣的商品,但市場佔有率卻不高,希望能藉由國際間主要國家經營型態之分析觀察,為我國長期照顧保險商品整合提供參酌學習之用。 希望本研究所提出的結果與建議,有助於改善壽險公司商業長期照顧保險不足之處,增加民眾購買長期照顧保險意願,降低社會成本,減少需要長期照顧照顧家庭的經濟負擔,以及作為後續研究者的參考。


For the recent years, as the phenomenon of increasing elderly population combining with few generating is obvious, and the population is aging, the illness patterns of population are also inevitably shifted toward chronic and chronic dysfunction types of disease and, the nuclear family generally replaces the extended family, and the participation rate for the female labor is increasing, these changes of society structure make long-term care system become urgent, and the demands of Taiwan long-term care will grow intensively and is becoming one of the most significant topics of social welfare and health care in the future. So how to respond to long-term care needs of socirty as a whole has become an urgent problem. Howevere the social welfare budget is limited, currently the service that government provided can´t satisfy general citizen´s expectation on Quantity and Quality. In general, people in Taiwin do not own a good concept or understanding on business long-term care insurance. The resulting consequence is that higher expense, deeper pressure, and heavier burden on people needed care and their relatives. With commercial insurance to make up the gap between social insurance, so not only can reduce future spending on social welfare, and to reduce the financial burden on individual families, and to promote Taiwan´s long-term care insurance market has a sound development. The thesis is firstly observation on Public Long-Term Care Insurance of Germant, Japan, United States. Secondly through an understanding of the commercial development of long-term care insurance, as well as reference to the current situation and the plight of domestic and foreign scholars studied the ecperience to know there are ten life insurance companies to sell a commercial long-term care insurance in the end of 2015. Based on the social market demand, business long-term care insurance has been a product and has been promoted in recent years; however the marketing share is still lower than estimation. Based on a view to the international business major country, types of model of analysis are for our long-term care insurance products and providing the integration taken in learning. Last but not the least, this thesis aims to help improve current life insurance companies commercial long-term care insurance, raise the intention to buy long-term care insurance, lower the society costs, and be the direction for the following researchers.


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