  • 學位論文


An Analysis of Increasing Purchase Intention of Long-Term Care Insurance:The Perspectives on Government Policies and Product Design

指導教授 : 田峻吉


我國衛生署於2009年成立長照險籌備小組研究長照險規劃方向,避免銀色海嘯造成龐大醫療費用影響國家政策與經濟,並於2011年通過長期照護服務法草案,且計劃2016年實施公營長照險,提供國人基本保障。此外,2012年商業長看險總保費收入為102.57億元,佔壽險業總保費收入(2兆3,968億元)約千分之4.2,佔壽險業當年度健康險保費收入(339.48億元)約佔三成,顯示商業長看險市場仍具發展空間。 本研究探討未來公營長照政策制度以及保險業商品設計等因素,是否會增加商業長看險購買意願,並探究影響消費者購買商業長看險之決策因素為何?實證結果顯示,人口背景變數中,保險業得將教育程度為專科/大學及碩士以上、職業為金融相關產業、領取勞保年金與退休金者、擁有其他健康險為重大疾病保險及失能保險者,以及有家族病史、預期壽命為61歲至71歲者列為目標客群,將有利商業長看險銷售。 政策方面,消費者認為保險業兼營長照相關機構、稅率誘因為影響消費者購買意願之重要因素。保險業是否適合兼營長照相關機構仍需進一步討論,統一範本制訂示範條款,與增加商業長看險購買意願則無明顯關係;商品設計方面,理賠認定以特定疾病、定期保險、帳戶金額若無長看險需求,得彈性運用、商業長看險結合年金保險、商業長看險結合醫療保險、理賠標準將影響其購買商業長看險意願、家族病史作為核保考量,均會影響消費者購買意願。


In order to avoid the the aging population causing a tremendous cost and further affecting the financial budget, Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare set up a long-term care insurance preparation team which indicating the direction for planning long-term care insurances. With the passing of the draft of Long-term Care Services Act in 2011, Taiwan government intend to implement the public long-term care insurances in 2016 and to provide the basic long-term care services to the citizens. According to Taiwan Insurance Institute, the total premium income from private long-term care insurances in 2012 was $10.257 billion, accounting for 0.42 % of the total premium income from life insurances ($2.3968 trillion) or approximately 30% of the total premium income from health insurances of the year ($33.948 billion). These statistics imply that the private long-term care insurance market could be further expanded. This purpose of this study is investigating whether the public long-term care insurance system will increase citizens’ intention to buy the private long-term care insurance and exploring the factors affecting their decision to buy the private long-term care insurance. The empirical results showed that people with an education degree of college/university or higher, working in financial industries, receiving labor pension or retirement pension, having other health insurances, having a family history of certain diseases, and expecting to have a life expectancy of 61 years to 70 years have more willingness to buy the private health insurance. The life insurance companies should regard the above customers as the marketing taget. From the policy aspect, insurance companies operating of the long-term care institution and tax incentives were important factors affecting consumers’ intention to buy long-term care insurances. However, there was no clear evidence indicating that insurance companies should or should not concurrently be a provider of long-term care services. Setting up a uniform set of model clauses was not significantly related to consumers’ intention to buy private long-term care insurances. As for product design, it was found that consumers’ purchase intention would be affected by compensation by specific diseases, term insurance, account flexibility, combination with annuity insurances, combination with healthcare insurances, compensation requirements, and consideration of family disease history in underwriting of the insurance.


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