  • 學位論文


The study of purchasing behavior in Commercial long-term care insurance

指導教授 : 張簡彰程


探討因應高齡化社會來臨,老人的照護問題越來越受到重視,現今社會普遍都是雙薪家庭,若遇到家中長者的照護問題,就必須在家庭與工作間做選擇。隨著老人人口快速成長,慢性病與功能障礙的盛行率將急遽上升,這些功能障礙者或缺乏自我照護能力者,除健康與醫療服務外,也需要廣泛的長期照護服務。   本研究以問卷的形式讓消費者在從公司形象、業務員信賴程度、評估自身身體狀況、對於長期照護商品看法、選購長期照護商品時會考慮的各項動機下去進行分析,加以討論我國消費者投保時面臨選購之相關問題,依據消費者在本研究填寫的問卷結果顯示:女性、未婚、大學學歷、月新5萬元以上以及年齡介於20~25歲之間的消費者是偏好購買長期照護保險商品的愛好者。而消費者在購買長期照護保險商品時最為重視的是保險公司是否重視消費者權益,業務員執行效率還有商品是否符合切身需求,雖然這些層面都很基本,卻也是消費者在投保時最為在意的部分。


Because of the advent of an aging society, elderly care has received increasing attention. In modern society, double-income families are common. If an older adult at home requires care, family members must choose between work and family. Because of the rapid growth of the elderly population, the prevalence of chronic disease and impairment of physical and mental functions among older adults has risen sharply. Older adults with dysfunction or who cannot care for themselves require long-term care services in addition to healthcare services.   In the present study, a questionnaire survey was conducted among consumers to determine their views regarding their own health, company image, salesperson reliability, long-term care products, and their purchase motivation when engaging in long-term care product purchases. Furthermore, we discussed topics related to purchasing insurance in Taiwan. According to the survey results, we found that single women, those with a bachelor’s degree, those aged 20–25 years, and those who earned more than NT$50,000 monthly preferred long-term care insurance products. When consumers purchased long-term care insurance products, they were chiefly concerned about whether an insurance company valued consumer rights and crucial interests, whether salespeople were efficient, and whether products met consumer requirements.


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