  • 學位論文


Representation and Reconstruction— A Study on the Interpretation of Dwelling, Thinking and Exhibition of Chiang Kai-Shek & Soong May-Ling’s Former Residences

指導教授 : 吳光庭
共同指導教授 : 賴怡成


近年來名人故居紀念館在海峽兩地都引起高度熱絡的參觀訪次,形成一種蔚為「文化知性之旅」的風尚,引人窺探風雲人物的真實面貌與日常行誼,並且實質回饋了可觀的觀光經濟。於是這種「販售一種恰好的情境,引你入夢」成為一種新興的博物館展示學問,其背後所包攝的「人為重構論」脈絡,就歷史人物的真實築居性與故居展示的人為建構性,值得探究。蔣介石、宋美齡可謂是近代史上爭議性極高之人物,他們遺留在海峽兩岸量多質佳之故居,儼然成為本研究最佳之首選對象。 本論文第一主旨在重回「蔣介石宋美齡故居」的最初「築居情境」,找尋蔣宋二人對應時勢的築居情形和心路歷程,也藉由歷史的宿命所形成他們獨有的「逐居歷程」,選擇具有代表性與完整性之「廬山美廬」、「南京美齡宮」、「臺北士林官邸」作為本文深入探討的對象。第二主旨則承上述研究基礎,探問故居展示之詮釋問題,以審視在人為建構論下之意義不全問題,因此本論文提出自行建構之輔助觀看視角:「觀看名人故居的詮釋視界—觀表徵、觀隱蔽與顯現、觀宣揚與嘲諷」作為後續開展的基本預設,希望藉以這後設性的「宏觀」視野,為當前的「名人故居展示文本之虛有與闕如」提供一個健全的新視域與方法,期能為每一處名人故居之參觀者欲自行建構自己的意義體系找尋一個「新答案」。於此,本論文將透過「現象學理論」與「人為重構理論」兩部分,進行名人故居研究理論體系的反思與建構。本論文共分為五章: 首先,「第一章緒論」包括「研究問題與範疇」、「研究方法及步驟」、「研究架構圖輿寫作架構安排」等,其中「文獻蒐集」與「田野調查」的內容,尤其對於海峽兩岸蔣宋故居進行的地毯式田調作業,耗時費力,也曾親臨許多狀況不明的故居進行勘查與記錄,是為本文前行研究的分析貢獻,也對案例的選擇做出明確的解析,是本論題導出的重要依據。 其次,「第二章理論分析與建構」內容由「名人故居紀念館的課題」、「築居情境之現象學理論」、「歷史場域之人為重構論」、以及在小結處提出「自我的觀點視角建構」四大內容組成。本章藉由「現象學」與「詮釋學」多位哲人名論做為基礎與導引,建構屬於本研究之「名人故居人為重構理論體系架構」,重新界定觀看名人故居的新視界可能。 再則,在「第三章蔣介石宋美齡故居之築居思維分析」章節裡,本文利用收集之文獻與現象學做引導,對三個故居進行詳細的蔣宋二人築居思維分析,也以此作為續章的基礎對展示詮釋提出主張。第四章「蔣介石宋美齡故居之展示重建分析」裡,藉由使用第貳章自行建構的意義體系輔助視角三元素去檢視三個故居的展示詮釋,嘗試探索在真實的案例中,我們運用此輔助視角三步驟之後,能否對於詮釋過後的空間增加辨識能力與解讀能力,使參觀者可看見更多、理解更深入。 準此,在「第五章結論與建議」中,總結三個案例在築居思維的進程比較分析,展示重建部分亦做交叉製表比對,以揭露現今的展示問題與改進可能。論文最後,首先提出歷史空間化所具有的凝結新史觀能量,讓歷史的建構無須倚靠外力,而能以健全且洞悉的視角自我建立屬於自己的史觀。接續,亦將本研究長期與臺北士林官邸的接觸與觀察,提出歷史名人故居與歷史遺產單位最重要的經營之道在於「理念」之見,提出剖析與說明,可望提供相關單位參考與借鏡。


This paper takes three memorialized former residences (Mt. Lushan's Villa Meilu, Nanjing's Soong May-ling Villa, and Taipei's Shilin Official Residence) as its axis, and explores the far-reaching impact of two historical figures in modern history, Chiang Kai-shek and Soong May-Ling, the circumstances of their dwelling and thinking in Taiwan and mainland China, and it researches the presentation of their former residences. The moving of Chiang Kai-shek and Soong May-Ling's habitation, entailed by the changing times, the former residential cottages they left behind, and the historical processes form a high degree of axial evolution in time and space. The significance of the sequence of historical events herein assisted this paper in attaining a more accurate grasp on the relationship between time and space and the main subjects of memory, and this is the first research objective of this paper: to reflect the dwelling and thinking then current in the residence owners, and their life courses. Thus, the present study is generated with the phenomenology of their dwelling lives as its starting point, integrating different writings on the people, events, times, places, and things at the three former residences and similar written profiles, in order to carry out a textual cutting and tidying, and also to act as a control preparation for examining the exhibit texts on display. Since this paper affirms the active role played by the exhibitors in their interpretation of the exhibited texts at their former residences, I believe this study demonstrates that the texts exhibited at the former residences of famous figures to a large degree comes from the conscious interpretations and guidance of the curator / leadership. Hence, the 'Artificial Reconstruction Theory' subject included in this paper, asserts that behind the strong desire people have to solidify remnants of memory of historical places, each have their own enigmatic mentality. That is to say, both those in power and the public have their own purposes in mind in the construction of history and its glory. Attempts are made to use Chiang Kai-shek and Soong May-ling in this way as a blueprint for open cross-strait memorial residences. With respect to this skill of 'historical reconstruction', I carry out a deconstruction, and thereupon, the theoretical part of the paper explores in depth society's collective consciousness and cultural hegemony theory. Following upon this, through hermeneutics directed at the inspirations behind bringing exhibits in the historical domain, we look at interpretation issues of text exhibits at the former residences, including: the reasons for the will to power, over-interpretation and inadequate interpretation, hiding the truth, problems...and so forth. The paper ends by using recurring elements of self-constructing significant systems, to view the exhibition interpretations of the three former residences. That is, it makes application of these significant system analysis viewpoints, and looks back over time with the help of three case studies examined from three perspectives, thereby making use of the 'symbolic or metaphorical perspective', the 'hidden and revealed perspective', and the 'satire and praise perspective', to bring viewers closer to the truth, in an attempt to make up for what is lacking in the texts, and expose the fiction and guided historical viewpoints in today's exhibits. Finally, in addition to cross-comparison summarizing the three cases in terms of both dwelling and thinking, as well as exhibit reconstruction, tables for comparison, and respective evaluation and recommendations were also made. Also presented is what kind of research restrictions there were, which makes one feel that this study does have some limitations. At the thesis end, I first put forward that time and space possesses a solidifying of new energy in historical viewpoints, advocating that the construction of history be allowed to be free from external forces, and that one be able to establish one's own historical viewpoints through sound and insightful perspectives. Moreover, due to this study's long-term contact and observations at Taipei's Shilin Official Residence, I put forward the importance of treating the 'concept' of the former residences of historical figures and historical heritage units, as the concept leads operational analysis and explanation, and it is hoped that this will provide relevant units with a reference and an example to draw upon.


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