  • 學位論文


A Study of the Translation Strategies of Chinese to Japanese Subtitle on the Movie” Cape No. 7”―with the Basis of the Translation Difficulties―

指導教授 : 林寄雯


本論文以2008年魏徳聖導演的作品『海角七號』為研究對象。當時的台灣電影市場正處長期低迷的時期,該作品在台灣電影票房史上創下5.3億元的記錄,僅次於冠軍『鐵達尼號』,被視為臺灣電影的奇蹟。本論文取『海角七號』中的中文原文字幕,與日文版的字幕對照,研究譯者對應不同的場面或語彙,使用的翻譯策略有何不同。 本論文的構成如下。首先在序論中介紹本論文的目的、背景與研究方法。第一章先行研究中概觀字幕翻譯的背景,考察翻譯時所採用的各種學說,以及各位學者的翻譯策略。第二章探討作品的背景,定義本論文中分析的研究對象。第三章以第一章的先行研究為基礎,定義分析所採取的方法。本論文以Gottlieb的翻譯策略為基準,選取電影『海角七號』中翻譯困難的台詞,並分為「直譯困難的台詞」與「含有幽默的台詞」二大類,進行分析研究。第四章中對照翻譯策略,將台詞分為「換句話說」、「模仿」、「壓縮」、「刪除」、「放棄」、「移轉」共六大類,考察各個台詞使用該當翻譯策略的理由。最後為結論。根據前面的分析統計,「直譯困難的台詞」與「含有幽默的台詞」二部分的例子中,明顯可見採用各項翻譯策略的百分比。依據比例數據,探討譯者在遇到與文化相關、不易翻譯的台詞時所採取的翻譯模式為何。 根據本論文的分析結果所得出的結論,遇到台詞含有只有母語人士才能理解的文化要素時,最常採用的翻譯策略為「刪除」、「放棄」、「模仿」。特別是「刪除」與「放棄」這兩項,分別占了總體約三分之一的比率。而筆者推測,採取此種翻譯策略的原因則是由於基於文化的不同,使得知識背景互不共通,即使照本翻譯,觀眾也很難理解之中的意思。另外,字幕翻譯受限於字數的限制,在有限的字數內補充說明幾乎是不可能的。因此在遇到此種台詞時,譯者多採用「放棄」,使用與原文完全不同的新台詞。抑或採用「刪除」,以達到字幕注重簡潔的目的。 字幕翻譯的功用在於幫助觀眾理解電影的劇情,因此即使失去原文中的某些要素,只要能夠理解整體劇情,並享受整部電影,即可說是達成了其目的。 今後的課題為,深入分析因應各種要素所採用的翻譯策略與其要因,探究採用此種翻譯手法的理由,以建立今後字幕翻譯的參考標準。


Movie, Cape No. 7, was produced in 2008 by director Wei Te-Sheng. This movies earned the 2nd highest box office sale in Taiwan at that time. This thesis studies the translation strategies of, Cape No. 7, by comparing the Chinese subtitle to Japanese subtitle, analyzing six translation methods used by the translator, and then identifying the factors impacting the translator’s strategies in Cape No. 7. Following is the structure of the Thesis. First, the introduction includes research background, purpose and methods. Chapter one investigates subtitle translation in previous studies, the theories been taken when translating, and mentions the translation strategies pointed out by several scholars. Chapter two deals with the definition of” difficult subtitle” while translating. Chapter three defines the method of analysis based on the previous studies mentioned in chapter one. The thesis is based on Gottlieb’s translation strategies: identify difficult subtitles, and then assign these subtitles to two groups: subtitles with difficulties to translate word by word and subtitles with humorous content. Chapter four studies the translator’s strategies by assign each of the two previously established groups to six methods: paraphrase, imitation, condensation, deletion, resignation and resignation”. Then, percentage for each methods is calculated. The result is analyzed. The factors which influence the translator’s strategies in difficult situations are identified. The thesis has identified that culture is one of the factors influencing the translator’s strategies. Culture plays a role for certain contents that only native language speaker understand. In this situation, the strategies most offend used are deletion, resignation and imitation. Deletion and resignation, each accounts for about 1/3 of all. The explanation of using these two methods more than the others are: Due to the culture difference, the ability of understanding certain contents is limited if using literal translation. Furthermore, an additional interpretation is almost impossible due to the limit of number of words. The goal of subtitle translation is to help the viewer to understand the story as a whole. Thus, the strategies are justified even some elements in the original text are lost.


李道明(2001)『驀然回首-台灣電影一百年』『歷史月刊』158期P41 – 51
邱榮金(2008)「翻譯と文化的認知との関連性について」台灣日本語文學報23 P113-130
Yves Gambier, Henrik Gottlieb(2001)『(Multi)media translation : concepts, practices, and research』Amsterdam ; Philadelphia : J. Benjamins
