  • 學位論文


The Challenges and Prospects of EU Police Cooperation under “Lisbon Treaty”

指導教授 : 鄒忠科
共同指導教授 : 汪毓瑋(Yuh-woei WANG)


歐盟警政合作自九○年代以降已有長久的發展,《馬斯垂克條約》(Maastricht Treaty)首創三柱架構體系,其中第三支柱乃司法與內政合作,而警政合作即是司法與內政合作的重要內容,亦是歐盟政治與經濟統合的必然結果。2009年12月1日甫生效的《里斯本條約》(Lisbon Treaty),更將所有司法內政合作事務置於統一的建設“自由、安全與司法區域”的架構之中。從《馬斯垂克條約》到《里斯本條約》,歐盟警政合作歷經第三支柱的─政府間結構到融入─共同體模式"的巨大轉變,未來將面臨那些變革與挑戰?另歐盟警政合作發展的經驗對我國暨發展亞洲警政合作有那些啟示呢? 均為本文所要探討的重點。 因此,本文將以新功能主義(Neo-Functionalism)及莫勞夫奇克(Andrew Moravcsik)「自由派政府間主義」(Liberal Intergovernmentalism)及多層級治理(Multi-level Governance, MLG)為理論分析基礎,對歐盟警政合作進行分析和解釋。研究發現:一、歐盟警政合作機制之建構,主要呈現三個發展趨勢:(一)由歐盟「體制外」發展朝向「體制內」發展。(二)原個別會員國打擊措施朝向「歐盟層級」的打擊措施。(三)原「政府間合作」模式朝向「共同體」發展模式。二、歐盟藉由警政與司法合作建構「自由、安全與司法」共同價值目標的防護體系,樹立全球軟實力的典範。 值此犯罪全球化的時代,「警政合作」為處理非傳統安全之主流趨勢,更是台灣突破外交困境的機會之窗,希望藉由本研究,喚起國內相關國安、外交及警政單位對國際警政合作的重視。 文中並建議爭取派遣歐盟駐外刑事聯絡官,開啟台、歐警政合作;其次並爭取臺灣成為歐盟警政合作亞洲重要聯繫點(Contact Point),成立「亞洲警官學院」,以作為發展亞洲警政合作的試金石;再次,並比照歐洲警政署的作法,先行成立「兩岸暨亞洲國家治安情資整合中心」每年提出趨勢報告,發揮跨境(跨域)犯罪智庫的角色功能,作為深化亞洲區域警政合作的平台。


EU police cooperation has developed substantially since the 1990s from the "Maastricht Treaty∥ which consist of the three pillars system. The third pillar is specialized in the Justice and Home Affairs (JHA), under which police cooperation plays an important driving force to further and deepens the EU's political and economic integration. The "Lisbon Treaty" came into effect on December 1, 2009, which marked the improvement of the cooperation and integration process. Reviewing the history of the EU police cooperation, a dramatic change occurred from the” intergovernmental structure” (Maastricht Treaty) and transferred to “community model” (Lisbon Treaty). This study will explore the institutional transition from the ‘Neo-Functionalism” and "the Liberal Intergovernmentalism” perspective and focuses on the future challenge of EU police cooperation under the "Lisbon Treaty" and its implications for Taiwan and Asia police cooperation. The mean findings are that the development of the EU's policing cooperation can be characterized by mainly three trends : (A) transforming from "outside of the EU's system" into "institutional in the EU". (B) The fighting against measures from the individual Member States towards the EU levels ". (C) Shifting from the original "intergovernmental cooperation" mode toward the "Community method". At the end of the study, suggestions will be made: Taiwan should take the leading role with the four areas (Taiwan, Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau) and the other Asian countries to establish the "Asia Police College" as a touchstone for developing Asia police cooperation. In addition, we should refer to the experience of Europol’s practice to create a "Cross-Strait and Asia Anti-crime Intelligence Center" as a platform for deepening police cooperation in Asia as well. In the current era of the globalization of crime, ─international police cooperation" is the best method to handle the related issues of global non-traditional security. So, the authors conclude that international police cooperation is a window of opportunity to provide a breakthrough for Taiwan’s diplomatic dilemma and we hope this issue would evoke much attention to the relevant national security, diplomatic and police authorities.


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