  • 學位論文


Conflict between Wang, An-shih's reformer groups and the Conservatives and Shi Hua in Northern Sung Dynasty – Re-evaluation on the Influence of Conflict between Wang, An-shih's reformer groups

指導教授 : 曾守正 崔成宗


「新舊黨爭」是北宋歷時最久、牽連最廣的鬥爭,而詩話作品創始於宋朝也盛於宋朝,是研究宋代文學的重要材料。從北宋詩話之中,離析出新舊黨爭影響的痕跡,重新論斷新舊黨爭對北宋詩話的影響,是本文的主要課題。 現今研究者普遍認為北宋詩話和新舊黨爭關係甚深,詩話的內容受新舊黨爭影響甚劇,然而新黨、舊黨除了著名的詩人政客之外,詳細的名單,一直未曾分析清楚,詩話作者的黨派傾向,也未曾加以釐析。加上南宋以後,新黨成了亡國的罪魁禍首,於是新黨作者的文集詩集散佚不全,而舊黨聲勢日壯,門徒後學日眾,衍生出不成比例的人數和作品,造成北宋文學批評有所謂「黨爭化」的評價。 故本文以北宋詩話為範圍,以吳文治主編的《宋詩話全編》一套十冊為檢討詩話的底本,參校其它版本之詩話,進而整合分析。將時代與新舊黨爭有交接的詩話作者標出,再逐一辨明詩話作者的黨籍傾向,從而分別詩話內容之中,是否受到新舊黨爭的影響?受影響的狀況為何?以重新廓清黨爭影響論的面貌。


新舊黨爭 北宋 詩話 黨爭影響論


The conflict between Wang, An-shih's reformer groups and the conservatives is the most long-lasting and influential clique battle in Northern Song Dynasty. The works of Shi Hua starts and prevails in Song Dynasty, and they are important in studying Song Dynasty literature. We can find the effects of the new and old factional strife in Shi Hua. The main purpose of this thesis is to re-evaluate and analyze such effect. Nowadays researchers generally thought Shi Hua in Northern Sung Dynasty and the new old factional strife relates really deeply. The content of Shi Hua in Northern Sung Dynasty is affected by it greatly. Besides the most famous poets and politicians, there is not a detailed list on who is on which side of this strife. And there is no detailed analysis on the political tendency of Shi Hua authors. After Southern Sung Dynasty, the new party became the scapegoat for its downfall. Works of the authors who belongs to the new party was mostly lost. Old party became stronger and gained more and more students and followers. The amount of work and number of authors from the old party was out of proportion to those from the new party. Causing the literature criticism in Northern Sun Dynasty to be partisan. This thesis is an analysis of Shu Hua in Northern Sun Dynasty, based on the ten volumes “Northern Sun Dynasty Shu Hua collection” edited by Wu,Wen-Gee and other editions of Shu Hua. Identify timeline and those authors who were involved in the new old factional strife. Analyze the political tendency of each author. Further we analyze the content of Shu Hua and see if it was affected by the new old factional strife and to what degree were they influenced by it. As a way to clarify the theory.




