  • 學位論文


An RFID-Based Reminder System

指導教授 : 許輝煌


隨著科技日新月異人們對於生活品質也越來越講究,近年來國內外有越來越多的人投入智慧型住宅的研究,試著提供住戶一些貼心便利的服務。本研究所開發的系統是應用在智慧型住宅的一項服務,其功能為當住戶出門時能夠提醒住戶忘了帶哪些物品,而當中利用到一項熱門的技術那就是RIFD。RFID(Radio Frequency Identification)是一種無線通訊技術,由於它體積小、價格便宜、無需電源的關係,應用在很多不同的領域之中,例如:醫療看護、物流管理、門禁管制等等。 我們將家中的物品貼上RFID Tag,使物品虛擬化為資料庫中相對應的檔案,並在房門裝設RFID Reader以讀取住戶每天攜帶的物品,接著利用一週的時間去學習住戶攜帶物品的習慣,並利用升級與降級的規則來做調整,使提醒清單能盡量符合住戶攜帶物品的習慣。除此之外系統也會依物品的種類來作提醒,以避免遺漏掉一些潛在的可能 ,另外對於一些計畫性的事情使用者還可以使用行事曆來作提醒。當使用者對於系統的提醒清單有不滿意時,使用者也可以藉由系統的回饋機制來修改提醒清單以達到最佳化。 最後我們也成功的開發出此系統,而此系統也有別於以往的提醒模式不需使用者主動地作設定就能發揮其提醒的功能,不過對於攜帶物品習慣極為不規律的使用者本系統也無法提供一個完善的提醒服務。我們希望未來能結合更多應用在智慧型住宅的服務,以提供住戶一個更健全的系統。


RFID 智慧住宅 智慧環境 提醒系統


People take more emphasis on the quality of life nowadays. More and more researches are focusing on smart home. Our research aims at developing a reminder system in a smart home. When the inhabitant leaves home, the system can remind him/her the objects he/she forgets to bring with. In order to develop such a system, we use a technology call ‘RFID.’ Passive RFID is a popular wireless technology, due to its tiny volume, cheap price and powerless, RFID has been used in various applications like medicine, tracking and identification. We attach the RFID tags on the objects, and then virtual objects are corresponding to the records in the database. An RFID reader is set up by the home entrance to detect the objects taken by the user. Collected data of one week are used to learn the habit of the inhabitant and the resulted rules are used for further processing. A reminder list can be produced to conform to the habit of the inhabitant. In addition, the system can also provide reminders based on the classes of objects. Scheduled events and other matters can be put in the calendar for reminding. When the reminder list is not satisfied with the user, the user can give a feedback to the system to further improve the reminder list. Finally, we have successfully developed the system. The users do not need to initiate or set up the reminder system. We hope we can include more services in smart home to provide residents a more convenient system in the future.


RFID Smart home Smart environment Reminder system


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