  • 學位論文


RFID-Based Roll-Call system for Field Trips

指導教授 : 熊博安


隨著科技進步,以及少子化影響,校園內的安全已不斷受到討論,但校園中除了無死角監視器外,學生安全多由老師與職員們負責照看,人工方式的點名也逐漸希望改由較為積極RFID偵測設備來取代之。   RFID的建置成本較高,大規模的設置與推廣尚有經費考量等問題存在,但若僅採用手持式PDA點名系統,則各校的教師使用率應可提高不少。校園內的安全尚有監視器與眾多教師職員可協助維護,但遇到校外教學的情況,則是人人難以預測,也因此使教師在活動期間均需不斷以點名方式確認全員已到齊。   以時間成本來看,校外教學的目的應以教學為主,但為顧及學生安全,頻繁的點名也是不可或缺,但人工方式也壓縮了教學時間與效率,因此RFID點名系統的使用將勢在必行。   此論文目標在於找出RFID運用於手持式PDA時,當遇到校外教學地點的不同環境或人為上的因素,是否有需再修正之處,以達到最佳讀取效果;並藉由統整資料,也可將空間再拉回校園內,使得PDA不僅讓教師於校外教學時運用,而是點名環境皆可時時應用得上,並搭配論文結果,使用可增進讀取的正確率的方式達到使用上的便利性。


With technology advancements and the low birth rate, school campus security has become a critical issue that is being discussed often. For example, there are often some dangerous locations on a campus, such as dead ends, which require constant monitoring for the safety of students, and this has created a huge burden on the teachers and staff. A modern technological solution to this issue was implemented based on active mobile RFID readers and tags. Conventional fixed RFID readers are quite high in costs and create coverage problems in large-scale settings. Thus, a mobile PDA was used as the RFID reader, which allowed more flexibility and increased the school teachers' utilization of the system. The basic function of this system is constant roll-call. Due to its mobility and ease of usage, it can be applied to a variety of different situations. In this thesis, we focus on how such an RFID-based roll call system can be used during field trips, including indoor corridors, outdoor campus, performance hall, and swimming pool. Normally, on a field trip, it is desired that most of the time is used for teaching/learning; however, safety of students is a major concern so the teachers need to spend a lot of time constantly taking roll calls. This not only wastes a lot of time, but may also be erratic. The goal of this thesis is to identify the factors in different environments that may affect the the accuracy of roll call using the RFID system. This work also gives suggestions on how further amendments may be made to alleviate problems such as read miss/error. Most experiments conducted clearly show how different obstacles may affect RFID reading in different environments.


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