  • 學位論文


The Effectiveness of Feedbacks on College Students’ Speaking: Corrective Transcription and Holistic Feedback

指導教授 : 張雅慧




口語訓練 逐字稿 回饋 自我覺察


The study aims to investigate the effectiveness of feedbacks: Corrective transcription and holistic feedback on improving college students’ English speaking ability, using the standardized TOEFL iBT speaking questions. Forty-three freshmen students from three different majors of Tamkang University were the subjects of the study and were randomly assigned to two experimental groups and a control group. All subjects were required to attend the orientation, fill in a background questionnaire, and take the pretest and posttest while the experimental groups were given an additional survey and five participants from the two groups were selected respectively for the follow-up interviews. The results indicated no significant improvement from the pretest to the posttest in the overall scores and syntactical complexity of their responses among all three groups. Second, the attitude between the two experimental groups did not differ greatly from each other regardless of the type of feedback they received. However, participants who received holistic feedbacks demonstrated a significant improvement in the content while participants who received corrective transcriptions showed improvement in the language use. Further pedagogical implications in speaking training and the effective of feedbacks were discussed at the end of the study.


Speaking training Transcription Feedback Awareness


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